Sabbath. What exactly is the Sabbath and why do I choose to keep the Sabbath? The LORD created the earth and all that is in it in six days. On that seventh day He created a day of worship, a day of rest, a day of holiness. Let's imagine if we can that creation week. I know it's a very big stretch of imagining because our brains simply can't fathom the reality of that week. Satan has so very many ploys in place that we've been bombarded with lies that skew our ability to imagine without the whispers of doubt over this theory and that theory intruding. For the sake of truth and that's what we all want, isn't it? For the sake of truth I'm going to say right now that I believe in the BIBLE. I believe in this incredible book filled with many books all inspired by the Holy Spirit, and even all the meetings that took place to put in place what we hold to be the Bible, they were led by God. We were given access to a book of salvation and it's a book that many people have chosen to DIE for, literally giving their lives for this amazing message inside the Bible, salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Is the version I have of the Bible perfect linguistically through translations and such? It is…but ONLY when you're willing to take what is given and deeply study it out- using original language where needed. If I'd written that twenty five years ago people would think I'm crazy- but now we have the ability to search out so much right at our very fingertips.
The Bible contains a literal six days of creation- not figurative. Six days. If you don't believe that, and don't want to study it out, then you might as well just stop reading this right now, there's absolutely no reason for you to read further.
Six days- we know what six days means- it's all but one day in a week- our seven day week. Do we know exactly which day of the seven we are supposed to keep the Sabbath on? God gave us the means to know. When God saved the Israelites from Egyptian slavery He took them on a forty year walkabout. I'll tell you right now no one packs quickly for a forty year journey- the sheer comprehension of food supplies that would be needed for even a single person for that sort of trip, well, no, not going to happen. Even today when people hike mountainous trails going from one end to another (Appalachians for example) they only pack so much food knowing they'll have to make stops at various points to resupply. They can't carry all the food & drink they'd need for that long of a hike. (Yes, I've read up on it, thought about the wonderous ability to actually do that sort of thing - then thought of the latrines or lack there of situation and I stopped thinking about it.)
God brought them out of Egypt and then started them walking and soon the supplies they did bring with them were gone. So, what happened? God provided them food in the form of Manna. This manna was sustenance. And God provided it with a STIPULATION. Yes, I said a stipulation. He would feed them, they would not starve, they'd have plenty to eat in fact they were told to go out each morning and collect the manna laying on the ground, enough for that day and that day only. There would be no keeping leftovers for snacking on the next day. Each day provided enough manna for that day to keep every person satisfied and not hungry. Each day EXCEPT the seventh day Sabbath. On that day NO manna appeared for them to collect NONE. Were they supposed to go hungry one day a week? No. God instructed them that on the sixth day only they were to gather enough for two days. You might think if manna could be gathered for two days then maybe you could sneak a little extra during the week, maybe your tummy was rumbling during the night. So you tried. On the first day of the week you kept a little bit of the manna for a snack later on, and then you still had some leftover so you decided to keep it for the next morning. The next morning, the second day of the week, you woke up and that manna was rotten! Yet, none of the manna gathered on the sixth day of the week was rotten on the seventh day! You experimented and tried this every day and each and every day but the Sabbath had the manna spoiled in the morning and unable to be eat. THIS was GOD'S way of reintroducing the people of Israel to His Holy Sabbath- they'd been captive for four hundred years and didn't quite know the ways of God any longer in very many forms. God was teaching them that the day - the seventh day of the week was the HOLY SABBATH DAY, a day He'd sanctified and blessed after all of creation was finished in six days- except for creating the Sabbath itself.
The people entrusted with that seven day week schedule kept it and knew it, and comprehended the eternal aspect of the Sabbath being holy- set aside for man to reconnect with His creator on that seventh day- nothing else being as important as this.
You see- when mankind separated themselves from God and realized a second later what an awful mistake that was, God revealed to mankind that all was not lost. There was a plan in place and down the line…way down the line… that plan would be fully realized and mankind would once more be united to God. The mankind that would be reunited would be those who would CHOOSE to be. Not every human born would make this choice to be God's. Those who did make this choice had a very special day- the Sabbath- set aside for them to live in communion with their God in a way they couldn't any of the day of the week because no other day was blessed and sanctified by God but that seventh day Sabbath. This beautiful, beyond description, blessed Sabbath would be a teeny tiny foretaste of being reunited with God. Sabbath was a day for us to set EVERYTHING aside, but God and God's love for other. Lay down every single burden on this day, and though those burdens would still be there after the Sabbath for you to pick back up again- on the Sabbath you could just lay them down and worship God!
Now, I don't want to have any sort of debate on this at all whatsoever- I'm not the debating sort. There are plenty of sites out there where people just love debating and I'm sure there are plenty of Sabbath debating sites so - no- no debates for me please.
The questions I posed in the first whole sentence were this-- What exactly is the Sabbath and why do I choose to keep the Sabbath?
The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week and per God's instructions to be kept from sundown to sundown (Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday in our world today). The Sabbath is a whole twenty-four hour period set aside as holy, and blessed- by GOD. The Sabbath is a time we are to do no work for money, and no work for chores and such around the house, we are to cease from all work (remember God didn't want the people even gathering manna on that day). We are to live that twenty four hour period as children whose Heavenly Father is visiting with them and how amazing that is! We give worship through song, reading, listening, learning of God. We comprehend that we need to deny ourselves the focus we usually place on ourselves and refocus that focus on God, our Creator, on God, our Redeemer, on God the Holy Spirit Comforter. This day is a day of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rest. We choose to purposefully set aside this WHOLE day and pursue God in realization in our lives, GOD FIRST, others next, and ourselves last- we realize this on this day more than any other- though our lives are supposed to be this way always. Too much of this world tries to take over us completely- working, earning a living, pleasure that we don't get because we might work all the other days or most of them during the week and want the weekend for self-pursuit. Too much of this world yells at us to attract our attention and keep it from God. The Sabbath attracts our attention TOWARDS GOD completely.
As with anything, people try to corrupt true Sabbath keeping. Even Jesus had to set the people straight and remind them that the Sabbath was made for MAN not man for the Sabbath. Man didn't have to be overwhelmed with severe restrictions in order to keep the Sabbath Holy and have the blessing of the Sabbath be theirs. Jesus healed on the Sabbath, Jesus took the edge off hunger on the Sabbath, Jesus taught in synagogues on the Sabbath, Jesus kept the Sabbath PERFECTLY and was never accused of not worshipping on the seventh day- though He was accused of breaking the traditions man had placed on it, not God.
I could go on and on as you know and probably think I already have, but now to WHY DO I CHOOSE to keep the Sabbath…
Because the Sabbath is all I stated above and I love my God! I want to learn and listen and follow my God as He would have me do so. God's word tells me that the Sabbath is important enough to include in the ten Royal laws that were never abolished not one cross of the letter t or the dot on an I would be taken from the law ever….
Mat_5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Luk_16:17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.
If the Sabbath is even a tiny glimpse into eternity with my God I will do all I can to honor it through faith in my Savior as He would have me honor this day, yes, by His will, the entire day - it's been blessed and made holy by Him as no other day of the week.
May God bless all who through faith in our Savior seek to keep the Sabbath as He would have us keep it, may His peace be with you all, and grace be upon you! All in the amazing love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, now and forever!
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