Saturday, October 15, 2022

Salvation- A Gift.


Salvation is a gift freely given that so many want to pay for.

Did you ever have someone give you a surprise gift out of the blue and your first reaction was along the lines of … 'Here, let me get you some money for that! I have to repay you! You're too kind!' I know I've done that myself. The generosity of some people is amazing and they find out you have a need and want to gift you with that needed thing, but at the same time you're feeling beholden to them, even though that is the last thing they want you to feel. 

Jesus' offer of salvation to each of us individually is a gift from God.  A gift. We will never deserve such a gift. Sometimes people will treat the gift just like the above, they want to pay Jesus back for this amazing gift of salvation. They want to pay Him back by 'being good', by 'not sinning', by 'keeping all the commandments', by 'going to church', by 'giving to charity', and so on. Our actions after we accept salvation through Jesus are not us now having to pay Jesus back - as if anything we possibly do would even begin to pay the price He paid for us. 

We do not gain or keep salvation by any of our works. Yet we often believe once we have salvation we need to pay for it by our actions, our behavior. The idea of there being only one thing we are to do, in order to do the work of God, is an odd idea because we are sure we have to do so much more to keep salvation. 

There is only ONE work of God that we are to do! That one act you can do is BELIEVE in Jesus Christ to SAVE you.  When you believe in Christ ALONE  to save you then you are automatically denouncing any thought, any belief you might have that you can save yourself.

Joh 6:28  Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 

Joh 6:29  Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. 

People want to have some sort of hand in their own salvation, just believing doesn't quite seem to be enough. That is why when they stumble and fall, failing to live up to the life they perceive is God-fearing and righteous, they are quick to lament of ever being 'good enough' to warrant being saved. They trampled on the salvation given them, they ruined it, they dirtied it up with their sins and now there is no point in trying to be God's because they are just too bad to keep salvation. Now, if they had not been bad then they would have *DESERVED* to keep salvation, right? That has to be their thought or else they couldn't be bad and undeserved the salvation gift they accepted.  The opposite must be true then, but is it? You know the answer. 

We were and are in need of a SAVIOR because we COULD NOT SAVE OURSELVES! What changed with that after we accepted salvation? Was salvation supposed to enable us to save ourselves from that point on? NO! Salvation is EVER a gift from God! You will NEVER be able to save yourself! All you can do is BELIEVE with a belief that is constant, Jesus is YOUR SAVIOR. Jesus is YOUR DAILY SAVIOR. Jesus is YOUR FOREVER SAVIOR. 

Does this mean it's okay to keep your life of sin and just daily ask for forgiveness? No. Jesus did tell some of those He healed- 'Go and sin no more.'  Sin is forever to be shunned, ever to be resisted. All temptation is to be resisted and if we still succumb to sin is it not because there wasn't a temptation battle fought and lost, but because there was and the desire for true repentance  is still there because you BELIEVE in the overwhelming, amazing, all consuming love of God and His Gift to us! You must engage in the spiritual warfare by comprehending you will never stop being tempted to sin, but through GOD you can fight the good fight against consenting to sin.  You'll engage in this fight NOT to get SALVATION, but because YOU have salvation and despise the sins that so easily best you!  You are given the conviction of sin in your life by the Holy Spirit- every single sin no matter what it is you will be convicted of when the Holy Spirit is a part of your life. You seek forgiveness constantly, constantly because you know that sin is a transgression against the very GOD who died to save you! You don't want to hurt the God who saved you! You believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior, and now live for Him because you love Him with all you are! 

We are told to forgive seventy times seventy… symbolically forgiving others always. Would Jesus do no less for those who sincerely seek forgiveness seventy times seventy times, always? Believe in a Savior who SAVES. Don't believe in a you that cannot earn saving.

This is the work of God- BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST!


Our Father Which Art In Heaven!


Hollowed Is Our Father's Name!


Our Father's Kingdom Come!


Our Father's Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven!


Give Us, Our Father, This Day Our Daily Bread!


And Forgive Us, Our Father, Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us!


Lead Us, Our Father,  Not Into Temptation!


But Deliver Us, Our Father, From Evil!


For Thine, Our Father, Is the Kingdom! The Power! The Glory forever! Amen!


This Is The Work Of God!


That Ye Believe On Him (Jesus) Whom He (the Father) Hath Sent!

Please, Father, we would believe, help thou our unbelief!

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Was I good enough today? Did I lose salvation  because I was angry without cause? Has my gift of eternal life in Christ disappeared because I can't stop coveting what others have and I do not? Did that brief spark of fierce jealousy wrench away my chances to be with You in the kingdom? Heavenly Father, I am so weak, so incredibly weak and I need a Savior. I found the Savior You provided and accepted Him into my life and He gifted me with Salvation, and now… now Lord, I'm still so incredibly weak, I still need a Savior. Do I still have my salvation gift, Heavenly Father? I do, don't I? You won't take it back will You, because I am still so undeserving and forever undeserving. I needed a Savior then, Father, before I accepted the Savior and I still need a Savior, I will forever need my Savior saving me! Forgive me, Heavenly Father, forgive me. I believe… I believe Jesus Christ is my Savior, that He died so I could live! I believe Jesus Christ has saved me and will continue to save me! I love you, Heavenly Father! I love you Jesus Christ, my Savior, I love you Holy Spirit - please never leave me. Amen.

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