Showing posts with label predictions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label predictions. Show all posts

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Broken World.

The fictional novel reads as follows- a planet overrun by an evil ruler is found to have a small group of non-evil people who rebel against the evil ruler and after many battles, some won, some lost- the rebel forces subdue the evil world domineering dictator and the good people overcome the bad. The reader cheers as tears of happiness flow down their cheeks- they've been through such a whirlwind of emotional ups and downs as this small group persevered and saved the day. Good overcame, all the evils of the dictator were over and there were many, many evils. The new ruler, one of the small group of fighters, would set up a fair and just society where evil would be frowned upon, not encouraged, evil would be subdued, not allowed to flourish.

Yes, this is the basic premise to a lot of fictional novels and movies. Some of the movies have gone on to be great successes with this as their back bone. When you do away with all the trappings, it boils down to the above description. The details change over and over again, and when a person or persons get the details just right they have a hit on their hands and people fall in love with their story telling.

Good vs. evil.   Even when good wins out over evil in these books and movies, the sequels will reenact the scenario in another way. Evil will have not quite been completely destroyed so it is allowed to come back so the good has another fight on their hands. Always, the evil isn't allowed to vanish, there must be some left even if it is a tiny tube of dna it lives on. Time and again you may think the evil is gone for good, and yes, some books and movies do allow for this, but in the back of the minds of the creators of these stories they know if they want they can resurrect a foe to fight once more.

We also have quite a bit of evil-good out there too- where the bad guy does bad things for good reasons. The gangster is a more conscientious gangster than the one he fights.  I'm not saying there aren't some evil- truly evil wins over good entertainment out there with evil being glorified because there are. I'm saying this though, and I believe it, the MAJORITY of parents will never raise their children with watching glorified evil. Note I said majority, there are always exceptions to the rule.

When fiction meets reality- when the mass murderer takes your family member for a victim- you no longer root for the killer no matter how charismatic they may be. When the collateral damage of a gang fighting another gang is your son or daughter, your mother or father, your sister or brother, you don't find either gang appealing- not even the one with a higher moral code. Strip away the fiction from the narrative and insert reality's evils that are in existence, destroying the lives of person after person, infant, toddler, child and teenager- animals large and small- defenseless against the horrors, and evil is no longer glorified- NOT when it hits home. And YET… the perpetuators of the evils do so because there are followers of evil. They've found a market for the evil, they can benefit from the evil. In fact there is a huge market for evil and there are evils so evil they will never be allowed to be called good, not ever- and yet they continue to exist and flourish because people desire that evil. Every now and again when the news of those evils surface we are appalled, sickened, mortified, and part of us can't even believe such things exist- yet they do.

Reality over fiction is horrific, yet, it exists.

To the person who says evil doesn't exist that it is a creation of society, I say they are ludicrous, they and their belief. I know evil exists, I know it does. I also know that evil will NOT always exist, there will be an end to it.

Reality tells me life was NOT supposed to have evil in it. Reality tells me that we were not meant to suffer.  I think reality tells this to a lot of people because so many are constantly trying to make the world a better place in large and small ways. The push for betterment has never stopped. Even when the push is someone's warped idea of a better society. The pretense is given for making things better, and people want that so they give into the pretense supporting it because of what they think it means. Very few politicians will set up a platform on anything other than making things better- their plan for doing so compels people to follow them. If in the end the plan turns out not to be better, they ultimately try to get a new leader, or they suffer under the weight of dictating regimes we know are alive and well in our world today.

From the internet-

'As of today, there are 50 dictatorships in the world (19 in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 in the Middle East and North Africa, 8 in Asia-Pacific, 7 in Eurasia, 3 in Americas and 1 in Europe). We define a dictator as the ruler of a land rated “Not Free” by the Freedom House in their annual survey of freedom.

Free-  86 countries
Partly Free- 59 countries
Not Free- 50 countries

Free - 1 territories
Partly Free - 5 territories
Not Free - 8 territories

Total 196 countries 14 territories

From <>

There are MORE countries NOT completely considered free today than there are Free countries. This means, there are more people ruled by freedom restricting governments, and the free obviously to not approve of them.

Even in our free countries laws of the land exist, laws of government exist that a lot of people would claim restrict true freedom.

We live in a very BROKEN world, everybody in their heart of hearts, deep down in their souls they know it is broken and if something is broken it is NOT as it should be.

I agree with anyone who says that this world will never be good, that it truly isn't fixable. I believe there is ANOTHER world to live for, to hope for, to strive for- and I'm not alone in this, a lot of people also believe this to be true.

I personally HAVE to believe there is another world, another way, another plan simply because I refuse to believe that all there is evil fighting good endlessly. With the reality of suffering of so many innocents with no recompence for them at all through no fault of their own, I can't live with that as a reality. I have to believe good triumphs ultimately, I have to. All the innocents will be rewarded for their innocence stolen, every single one. Not one abused child will have suffered in vain.

I believe in an ancient truth. I believe in ancient prophecies that have come to pass over and over again- and in those ancient prophecies there are unfilled predictions that will come to pass, they have no choice based on all the prophecies that have been fulfilled.  I believe in this truth, I have faith in the unseen, I hope for what these prophecies say will come to pass. My faith isn't baseless by any means. There is a firm foundation, a rock solid immoveable base for my beliefs. The naysayers are blind to the truth of it all, because they choose blindness, and that is their choice- no one can be forced to believe.

Heb_11:1  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Joh_13:19  Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.

Heb_11:13  These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

1Ti_1:1  Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope

Come soon, Lord Jesus, come soon and put an end to all evil forever! Please! Thank you! All glory, praise and honor unto You now and forever!