Sunday, April 26, 2009

By the grace of God may we choose holiness

1 Thess. {4:7} For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness{4:8} He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.

Is it true? Can it be true? Do we despise God? I think it is true. I think we sometimes rail against God in many ways. We rebel against Him, we reject Him and why? Really, why do we despise God? Do we blame Him for getting us into this fix that we call life? It's easy to do, blame God for everything and you know He is the Creator so who better to despise, right? If you were never created you would never be in the situation you are in now and therefore never have to despise God. So, yes you could despise God for all and even in despising man you are despising what God has created.

God has given to us his holy Spirit. God has given us all we need to be holy, sanctified made holy for Him. We are called to be holy. We have to make every conscious effort to do that which Jesus would have us to do, to do any less would mean we aren't living up to our potential. And before you get all up in arms about that statement, only God knows what that potential is and I don't presume to know what it is at all. I only know that God knows and if crying out to Him for help is the limit of your potential while you consistently backslide into sin then He knows that too. We can't hold ones potential up for another, we each have our own and God alone can help us, and keep us in Him, sanctifying us to His holiness. All holiness and all sanctification comes through the grace and mercy of our Savior Jesus Christ.

God has called us to holiness. We despise God and yet God has given us His Holy Spirit, God has given us every gift, every help we need to be His should we choose to be His.

By the grace of God may we choose holiness, not despising God, accepting His Holy Spirit now and forever.

All Glory to God!


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