Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Excerpts from Notebooks - Nov. 10, 1983


Luke {5:8} 'When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.'

MTM (Means to Me):

How often we hear the cries- get away from me, leave me alone, just go away. In my own life I often experienced saying those thing. When I was hurt, confused, depressed I wished the whole world would disappear. Looking back I see I really was the one who wanted to disappear, or be noticed. In not being paid attention I longed for it, but my words were otherwise. When I was hurt and cried out 'Go away!' I really wanted someone to come to me. Today I hear other children and adults cry our 'Leave me be!' and I wonder are they being like Simon Peter telling Jesus to leave, yet really wanting Him more than ever?

Simon felt his unworthiness of Jesus' love, but the words- 'Depart from me' are really saying, 'I'm not worthy but please stay.' Jesus I'm sure saw through that and knew Simon really wanted Him. Luke {5:10} reads- 'And so [was] also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men' Fear not, I know you really don't want me to go from you so I won't, come with me. Oh, sometimes more often I wish to see through the cries of 'Depart from me' and recognize them as pleas to stay.

(4/14/09 - Update

Feeling the weight of our own unworthiness can be crushing. We know that against the purity of Christ we are nothing but sinful dirty creatures. Satan would have us fall down into despair over our own unrighteousness, fall down and never get up again. Jesus know in the light of His presence we must fall down and He wants us to reach up and grab hold of Him, relying solely on Him for any hope and worthiness. While we may cry out for Jesus to depart, that we're too sinful to be around Him, we really want Him closer than ever just as Simon Peter did and Jesus will pull us closer to Him, He won't leave us, He won't depart from us. He'll cover us with His righteousness.

All praise and glory to God, to our Lord and Savior now and forever! Amen.)

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