Thursday, April 30, 2009

Envious at the foolish

Ps. {73:3} For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked

Ps. {73:17} Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.


We do envy the wicked don't we?

Trouble is we are mixed up in our head as to what wicked is any longer. We call a wicked person one who tortures and kills someone, we call thieving from the poor wicked, we call a lot of things wicked but there are a lot of things that were once considered wicked that aren't any longer and as a result we run in circles chasing our own tails about this because we are taught not to label the wicked wicked because then we are judging people and judging people is wrong we're told. In truth we have to know what is wicked don't we? We have to know what acts are wicked and then we have to judge the acts people commit- without ultimately condemning their eternal life- something we can never do.

wicked (adjective)

wicked, virtueless, unvirtuous, immoral
amoral, amoralistic, indifferent
lax, unprincipled, unscrupulous, conscienceless, dishonest
unblushing, hardened, callous, shameless, brazen, flaunting
ungodly, irreligious, profane, impious
iniquitous, unrighteous, unjust
evil, bad
evil-minded, bad-hearted, black-hearted, malevolent
evil-doing, maleficent
misbehaving, bad, naughty, disobedient
weak (see frail)
peccant, erring, sinning, transgressing
sinful, full of sin, guilty
unworthy, undeserving, unmeritorious
graceless, not in a state of grace, reprobate
hopeless, incorrigible, irreclaimable, unredeemed, irredeemable
accursed, godforsaken

That about covers things doesn't it? Wicked.

The wicked seem to have a good time being wicked. The wicked seem to prosper. The wicked seem to lead lives honest men and women can't seem to. It's the old why do things bad for you have to be so tempting. So many believe it's easier to be wicked than to be honest and they're right if by easy they mean have more temporal enjoyment and losing eternal life.

Choices. Right or wrong. Life or death. Jesus or satan. Good or evil.

Ps. {73:3} For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked

Ps. {73:17} Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.

When we truly understand the end of the wicked envying them is foolish really. Yet to understand their end, we have to go into the sanctuary of God. In the sanctuary of God we find the entire plan of salvation. In the sanctuary of God we find Jesus.

While we hesitate to look at anyone and judge them- we have to look at ourselves and judge our own actions. We know in our heart of hearts when we commit good an when we commit evil. We need to ask God to open our eyes and our hearts to our own ways so that we may discern in our lives all we do. Jesus wants to know us and He can know us if we spend time with Him. When we choose to be wicked and our hearts aren't pricked in the least by remorse we need to ask God to fill our hearts with the repentance we need, the knowledge we need to feel the remorse and the need to ask for forgiveness.

Yes we get willfully caught up in sinning, we feel despair over not being able to keep from sinning, and we also feel apathy. We believe we won't ever stop and sometimes we just don't want to stop. Sin is insidious by its very nature and the only power we have over it is Jesus. The only power we have over sin is the love of Jesus. Knowing our sins killed the sinless Son of God, knowing our sins go against our very Creator. While we might not care, or say we don't, by the grace of God may there still be the voice of the Holy Spirit convicting us in our hearts and by the mercy of our Lord may we come to a place before Him, choosing the way of the Sanctuary and not the way of the wicked.

All glory and praise to our God. All mercy and grace from our Lord Jesus and forever.


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