Saturday, May 23, 2009

Names Written in Heaven

{10:17} And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.
{10:18} And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
{10:19} Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
{10:20} Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.


The disciples knew how real devils were-- they were thrilled that the devils would listen to them through the name of Jesus. Devils, evil spirits, Satan, they are all subject unto Jesus and Jesus only. Only one that is with Jesus can cast out devils. Jesus told them that He saw Satan as lightening falling from heaven. He witnessed Satan being cast out of heaven. Amazing! He is so real and we need to believe in the reality of Satan, of evil. If we dismiss the reality of Satan we are dismissing Christ Himself! People have to wake up! WAKE UP! He's real! He's not some fabrication of someone's overactive and warped imagination.

You are Christ's or you are Satan's, there is no middle ground. You can't hold onto Satan and Christ. You can be caught up by Satan and as soon as you cry out to Christ he will save you from Satan, and it's a choice you'll need to make often because Satan will not stop trying to get you back. He never stops. He'll plot and plan, he'll even step aside and let you glory in Christ in fact the seemingly happier you in Christ the better. Having your life all caught up in Christ serves Satan's plans when he sits back and plots to attack you and steal you back. The higher you are the harder you'll fall and the harder you fall the more wounded you'll be and the more wounded you are the longer it will take you to heal- that's if you ever recover because Satan glories in being able to wound mortally. The longer he can keep you down and keep you from the healing source the happier he is, if he can keep you away from full surrender to the Healer then you're counted as his and he glories in stealing you from Christ's love.

This is REAL!

I want to scream it, I want to shout it, SATAN IS REAL!

Satan is real and he's either working in you or Christ is, that middle ground doesn't exist.

{4:7} Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
{4:8} Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.

Resist the devil.


{11:9} Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.
{11:10} But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.

Do you stumble? We have to walk in the light, we have to have light, the light of Christ in us. We have to draw nigh to God and He'll draw nigh to us. God's not going to force Himself on us. God's not going to push the darkness out of those unwilling to let go of the darkness inside themselves. There has to be a willingness, a surrender, and acceptance.

None of that means a person will be perfect, or that the desire to do evil things will disappear instantly.

The initial surrender and the first Christian walk can be so glorious and as a soldier in Christ's army the battles you face seem very surmountable with Christ at our sides, we feel all but invincible, our walk with Christ is secure and nothing will tear us apart from our Lord and Savior. It's amazing and beautiful if that walk continues on that way but more often than not there will come a time when you are suddenly ripped from that secure place and nothing seems as it was. The hope, the love you felt seems to have disappeared. You even feel God has abandoned you to Satan as the assaults become overpowering. You fall over and over into temptation and the more you fall the more wretched you feel and the further and further out to the sea of sin you go until the safety shore of Christ is out of sight completely and there you are left at sea to flounder- to sink or swim. So maybe you sink but Christ never stops throwing out lifelines even to the deepest part of the sea. Satan will do all he can to keep your eyes focused on the deep, dark sea surrounding you so that every time you might glimpse a lifeline you turn your back on it because you're not ready to swim out of Satan's sea.

Yes, I'm using metaphors but Satan is so real! REAL! And you know what? YOU'll NEVER DEFEAT HIM, but guess what? CHRIST DID! Cling to Christ, cling to Him and find victory.

Christ Himself told the disciples not to rejoice in defeating devils, but rejoice in what??

{10:20} Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

We aren't to rejoice because we defeat any devils but rejoice because our names are written in heaven. The victory is in Jesus! Our rejoicing is in Jesus.

Every victory can be thought of in two ways- Rejoicing over those you've defeated, or rejoicing rather that you won. They are different. Think about it... if you focus on the fact you beat your opponents your happiness is based on their pain, their loss, their defeat. If you focus on the fact you won for the sake of winning without glorying and rejoicing in those you've defeated how much better is it? There are poor sports - those who take defeat badly, and there are poor winners - those who focus on beating their opponents and do not win graciously at all. A true winner is one who wins and shares the victory with all.

Christ didn't want His disciples rejoicing in beating Satan, but in the fact they won eternal life. Rejoicing in Christ!

Victory in Christ!

Hope in Christ!

Faith- the substance of things hoped for- the evidence of things not seen. Heb. 11:1

Keep hope in Christ alive.

By His mercy and grace, in His everlasting love.


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