Monday, July 7, 2014

Prayer creates a distaste for sinning

'Prayer produces cleanliness of heart and purity of life. It can produce nothing else. Unrighteous conduct
is born of prayerlessness; the two go hand-in-hand. Prayer and sinning cannot keep company with each other. One, or the other, must, of necessity, stop. Get men to pray, and they will quit sinning, because prayer creates a distaste for sinning, and so works upon the heart, that evil-doing becomes repugnant, and the entire nature lifted to a reverent contemplation of high and holy things.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 43)


Psa_51:10  Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

This is a PRAYER!

This is asking the Father God to CREATE a CLEAN HEART, to RENEW a RIGHT SPIRIT WITHIN.

Prayer DOES produce cleanliness of heart and purity of life because GOD hears our cries for this through our prayers. We cannot talk to God at all without it being PRAYER.  Sure you can yell at God, you can talk to Him as if He were right there with you, but that is a FORM of PRAYER and don't think for one moment it is not.  Prayer was said standing up, sitting down, laying down, on the knees, prayer was cried out, whispered, silent and it's ALL talking to God. How can you talk to God if it isn't prayer?  If we call upon God, it is PRAYER because PRAYER IS TALKING TO GOD!

Prayer and sinning truly CANNOT keep company with each other… and yet, I hear you say that you've prayed as you are sinning to stop, as you loath yourself for succumbing to the temptations. That prayer to stop is the war going on between the evil and the good, and it is a war, something we cannot ever forget. We are not perfect, Christ alone is perfect. We have to fight, we have to pray because prayer is the power of the fight, our connection to victory in Christ. Remember once we have that armor on we are to pray always!  We have to pray and pray hard, pray real, pray without guile.  We need prayer to create that DISTASTE for sinning within us. We need evil to become repugnant to us!  We need to have our entire selves uplifted to CHRIST.

By the GRACE of GOD may we be HIS in PRAYER. May we pray and keep praying until we see our Savior face to face, until we can talk with Him in person.

In His love!

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