Thursday, July 3, 2014

We're forgiven by Praying- Asking our Savior to Forgive Us

'PRAYER governs conduct and conduct makes character. Conduct, is what we do; character, is what we are. Conduct is the outward life. Character is the life unseen, hidden within, yet evidenced by that which is seen. Conduct is external, seen from without; character is internal -- operating within. In the economy of grace conduct is the offspring of character. Character is the state of the heart, conduct its outward expression.

Character is the root of the tree, conduct, the fruit it bears.

Prayer is related to all the gifts of grace. To character and conduct its relation is that of a helper. Prayer helps to establish character and fashion conduct, and both for their successful continuance depend on prayer. There may be a certain degree of moral character and conduct independent of prayer, but there cannot be anything like distinctive religious character and Christian conduct without it. Prayer helps, where all other aids fail. The more we pray, the better we are, the purer and better our lives.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 39)


Prayer governs….us.

Governs-  (Definition) conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people).

Conduct the actions of us, governs our lives IF we let it.

Prayer is powerful and we use it so scarcely and oftentimes so wrongly.

It is true, prayer is related to 'all' the gifts of grace. We pray for FORGIVENESS. We ASK for forgiveness, and how else do we that other than by prayer? Can you be forgiven of your sins without asking for it? NO! A thousand times NO. We must ask for forgiveness.  Sure you might say that Moses prayed for others and gained atonement for them through His prayer and that's true. Someone PRAYED for them. Someone ASKED for them, using PRAYER, using the only means of true communication we have with our Father God.

How important is prayer? More important than most people are willing to admit, more important than people want to believe, more important than so much!  Because through prayer we live in touch with our God, we make Him first in our lives. We make it so we have NO other gods before Him!

When we pray upon waking we ask God to be first in our lives. We set ourselves aside and ask for HIS will to be done, not ours. We recognize our need of HIM for our lives.

Please LORD help us comprehend that all we do, all our conduct, all our behavior is greatly influenced by our praying.  Help us to PRAY as we need to PRAY.


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