Thursday, July 17, 2014

Would God ask us to keep His commandments if it were impossible?

'Does God give commandments which men cannot obey? Is He so arbitrary, so severe, so unloving, as to issue commandments which cannot be obeyed? The answer is that in all the annals of Holy Scripture, not a single instance is recorded of God having commanded any man to do a thing, which was beyond his power. Is God so unjust and so inconsiderate as to require of man that which he is unable to render? Surely not. To infer it, is to slander the character of God.'

Quoted from- 'THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER  By E.M. BOUNDS' (Excerpt 50)

God will never ask us to do the impossible, yet so many believe what He asks is impossible. Why? Because we don't want to obey. Our carnal nature wants to rule and that carnal nature is in opposition to God.

Our natural selves do not want to obey, yet when we CHOOSE to serve God we are choosing to obey God. When we choose to obey God we submit to Him and HE HELPS US to obey Him. He doesn't leave us alone to do this on our own He offers us help.

Joh 14:15  If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Joh 14:16  And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
Joh 14:17  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
Joh 14:18  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

If you love Jesus- OBEY His commandments.
If we obey His commandments the FATHER will give us a Comforter that will live with us forever.

The OBEYING we do is SUBMITTING to the truth that God's commandments are JUST, they are GOOD, they are RIGHTEOUS. They are NOT impossible if we CHOOSE to OBEY.

What point is there in asking someone to obey the impossible?

There is NO POINT at all.

We have to STOP thinking it is impossible to choose to obey. We make choices, hard choices, choices that have us uncomfortable as we fight against our SELFISH desires, our very, very SELF SERVING desires.

If you are asked to choose between self and God, who would you choose?

We almost always choose self first because we have this belief that we are everything, that everything revolves around us and our existence- even God. We believe God only exists because we allow Him to exist and if we choose not to believe He will no longer exist. We are fools!

God is EVERYTHING, without HIM we are NOTHING! So when we choose self over God we are choosing nothing over everything, yet Satan would have us blind to this truth.  We must choose GOD this is choosing self really. When we obey God we are obeying truth and serving ourselves through serving God, this is truth!

Please LORD help us to choose to obey we would choose YOU always YOU.

By YOUR grace!  YOUR love!

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