Tuesday, January 13, 2015

We can sin, therefore a law remains.


I’ve heard some people are saying that sin is an illusion, that it doesn’t really exist. They say this because they don’t believe that there are any laws of God.  If they don’t believe in the laws of God then they can’t believe in the transgressing of God’s laws, right? And the Bible tells us that sin is the transgression of God’s moral law.

Does someone who doesn’t believe in God and God’s moral law believe sin exists? Can they believe it exists? If so, what do they base it upon?  Society’s decisions of what is right and wrong? They take their own ideas of right and wrong and form of consensus of what they want to make their laws. And then do they call the breaking of those laws, sin? Generally, yes, but not always. There is a law not to litter, but is it considered a sin to litter? There is a law against not walking at crosswalks, is it a sin not to? There are many various laws concerning traffic, but breaking them, does it mean you’ve sinned?

We do have moral laws, universal moral laws and where did they come from? Why do we have inherent laws?  We were CREATED by the Lawgiver.

Of course, there are those who choose to believe we weren’t created at all, but rather just happened to come to be.  

People can and will dispute everything and pat themselves on their backs while doing so, thinking they are so incredibly superior to the fools who believe in God. My heart breaks for those who choose to NOT believe in God. They’ve been blinded and allowed themselves to remain blind, choosing blindness because to have FAITH means letting go of self sufficiency, of self reliance, of selfishness and some people believe all they have is themselves and no more.

Rom 3:20 ...for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

We who believe in God know that it is His moral law which reveals sin.  We know that Jesus expounded upon the moral law- revealing more of it’s truth to us than we could previously have seen. Jesus took the diamonds in the rough and polished them for us so we could see them more clearly. Jesus took away the need for the ceremonial laws, He is our Sacrifice, our Atonement. But Jesus NEVER took away the moral law, He made it more real. Our capability of sinning has not been taken away therefore a law remains for us to transgress.

Our Savior wants us to sin no more, only by HIS grace is this possible. We must constantly choose to obey God’s laws, constantly and when we break them be it as simple as our not being kind to someone in the smallest way, we MUST ask for forgiveness!  

Please, Father, please forgive us our tresspasses we have so many of them.

Please, Father, please open the eyes of the blind, turn the hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. Please Father…. in the name of Your Only begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, our Savior!


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