Monday, January 19, 2015

We choose whether or not we remain God's.

"I am the Vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for apart from Me ye can do nothing."-- Joh_15:5.

So many would instantly argue that we can do everything apart from Jesus, that they don't even believe in Him and yet they do whatever they please.  It's true, I couldn't dispute their being alive and functioning, how could I?

The truth is, except a man abide in Christ every single thing they do means nothing. You can do all you like but apart from the Savior it's meaningless.

Again the outcry comes- how dare I call someone's life meaningless just because they don't believe in the Savior and abide in Him.

It's true though.

Let's look at this for a moment. What gives our lives meaning?  As a whole of humanity what gives our lives meaning? How can the baby born into extreme poverty, living on the street as a toddler, barely surviving, growing up into a horrendous life of pain and tragedy find meaning in their life outside of the agony on so many levels? A person who has a nice life who isn't born into tragedy can find meaning in doing good and such, but the person who has very little good in their life, and I mean that sincerely, can find very little meaning to their life outside of pain.  So understanding the two extremes of life just by being born, what gives meaning, real meaning to both? It isn't things, it isn't material possessions, it isn't anything money can buy. It could be the tiny things, it could be other people who make life bearable. Ultimately in a life where you cannot get out from under the tortured life, where can you find hope? Not in the world you are living in, not in the life you've been forced to survive in. Can you still choose not to believe in God if you are born to such tragedy? Yes. Some would say it's easier not to believe when you are born into such horrific straits. Yet others would say you have more reason to believe because you need to hope in something better than this awful world.

Without our Savior it truly is all meaningless.

It is our Savior who gives us meaning. Living in our Savior gives us the hope of ETERNAL LIFE, hope of the life with NO PAIN!  This is the life we are meant to have, the life offered to us THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, and no other.

If we do not abide in Christ we are the living dead. You can call me crazy that is your right. You don't have to believe, that is also your right.

"I am the Vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for apart from Me ye can do nothing."-- Joh_15:5.

Without our Savior all the things we do truly are meaningless.

The breath of life given to us all by God makes us God's. We choose whether or not we remain God's. If we remain God's we will have life eternal. We are the branch abiding in the Vine.  We are living branches in the living vine. If we decide that we don't want any part of the Vine, eventually we will die off.

Please, Father, please let us LIVE in You and bear the fruit that YOU will have us bear, all through YOU because You are the VINE, You give us life and You give it abundantly. No matter what our existence is here and now, please BLESS us to be YOURS in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, please, Father, please, keep us in YOU no matter what! Please!

All in the name of our Savior, Your Son, Jesus Christ our LORD!


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