Saturday, September 13, 2008

Christ is our truth, He is our shield and buckler, our protection.

Ps. {91:4} He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust:
his ****TRUTH*** shall be thy shield and buckler.

His truth a shield, a protection.

A shield against what?

Protection against what?

1 Pet. {5:8} ‘Be sober,
be vigilant;
because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion,
walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour’

Eph. {6:12} ‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’

We have Christ’s truth as our shield and buckler, as our protection. Truth protects us. Not against anything physical, not against the hurricane, the flood, the stalker, the murderer, the thief, not against heartache and pain, not against sorrows and death, no… Christ’s truth is eternal life, life everlasting, the future life, life with Him forever without any of those things. That is the truth, His love for us. The truth is the choice we make to follow after love, to accept the grace of Christ, the mercy He offers us. All we can do is choose. All we can do is make the choice for Him, to be His, to accept Him into our hearts, our lives—He does the rest, but we have to constantly allow him access to us by choosing Him. It’s a constant process in a way many aren’t fully aware of. It’s not something we can take a break from, in fact why would we want to?

We are in the middle of a war, the enemy is raging at us, he’ll stop at nothing to get to us, nothing! We have a protector, why in the world would we ever want to step out from behind that protection? Why? Has the enemy fooled us into thinking that he’s stopped attacking? I think he has, he’s fooled many with that tactic of his- there is no warfare, there is no battle, no fight at all and the air outside the protector’s covering is sweeter somehow, so who needs the protector when there isn’t a war? He’s the great deceiver Satan is, the great deceiver who will stop at not a single tactic to get each of us. The closer we get to Christ the more Satan wants to draw us away and he has ways beyond our imagining to work at us.

We need the constant presence of Christ in our lives. We need His constant protection and we get that by constantly choosing to be His, yes, His.It’s not something we can ever grow slack about. We grow slack and we leave the protection. Christ is our truth, He is our shield and buckler, our protection.Please Lord, please help us to remember always how much we need You in our lives and not just when we kneel to pray, not just when we bow our heads, not just when we wake up or go to sleep, not just when we thank You for the food You provide, not when we’ve made it through some hardship, not just when we’re suffering inconsolably. We need You always every step of the way. Guide us Lord, guide us to You, we want You to live in us, we want to be in You. Help us Lord, help us, protect us. We choose You now and always Lord. Now and always.


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