Monday, September 15, 2008

Let us be redeemed by God now and forever.

Ps. {31:5} ‘Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.’

God of truth.

The only God.

The only truth.

You can serve any god you want but there is only One God of truth.

David here isn’t dying, and yet he’s committing his spirit into God’s hand.

Our lives are made up of the spiritual, though people won’t often call it what it is, they use emotions to take the place of spiritual and that’s something very tricky. I’m in good spirits they’ll say, or I’m in low spirits- they’re talking about spirits in a way that take God out of the spiritual and that’s fine, it’s just not including the spirit we can commit to God.

‘Into thine hand I commit my spirit..’

Do we commit our spirit to God?

The part of us that can only be truly satisfied by God is a part that can be corrupt. Once again it’s is a part we can claim as our own to fill, or try to get another to fill, or we even try ‘things’ to fill that spot. We have to choose to commit our spirit to God, it’s not something that will ever be forced.

We can’t make the mistake that our will is only pointed towards God upon death. There are different meanings for the word spirit, and that’s a study all it’s own. When we commit our spirit into God’s hand we are redeemed. He is our Lord God of truth and we need our spirits connected with His.

God of truth.


Who among us doesn’t want truth?

There are so many lies in our lives, so many we are told all the time. We equate lawyers with ‘bloodsucking liars’, we say politicians are all liars they have to be because they are immersed in a world of nothing but lies. The world we term as corporate is almost synonymous with lies and lying. People are duped, conned, the wool is pulled over their eyes and it hurts. Every single lie hurts something inside us. Those lying, those lied to and yet it never ends- it can’t seem to end. The old saying that we weave tangled webs when we start to lie is so true. Webs that we get caught up in so easily.

There are no sticky webs of lies with God, none. He is the truth.

We need to commit our lives to God, all of our lives, every part of our lives.


Ps. {31:5} ‘Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.’

We need to commit our spirit to God, all of us. We need to place ourselves into His hand, He is the God of Truth.

We need truth.

We need God.

We need the love God possesses.

May God help us to see that the truth of Him is life, the only real life, the only real hope we have, everything else is lies.

With David let us cry to God—

Ps. {31:5} ‘Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.’

Let us be redeemed by God now and forever.

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