Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee

{3:1} My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments
{3:2} For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
{3:3} Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart


Forget not God's law
Let our hearts keep His commandments
Not forgetting God's law and keeping His commandments can only bring good to us in a personal way- no guarantee there for an easy life but rather peace and that can be found in turmoil of circumstances. People crying for peace some times miss the mark. They're looking for peace of circumstance, not peace inside, not peace with God.

You hear the term-- 'inner peace' and people associate it with mystism and such, but God offers us peace in Him too. An inner peace, because if we look for it outside ourselves in our day to day lives the occurances that step in to rock our worlds will throw things at us that even the most calm person would have a hard time dealing with it all.

We can't look for it outwardly, peace has to come not from within us, but from God, God who puts it inside us, in our hearts, God who is the source of peace.

God's law and His commandments will give us this peace, this life.

Mercy and truth- we can't let them forsake us.

We can let them forsake us make no mistake that it is possible. They don't have to stay with us, they're not forced to be with us.

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee...

How can we keep mercy and truth?

'Bind them about thy neck, write them upon the table of thine heart'

Binding anything about the neck is what? Something that can take our breath away, our lives away, or it is something we want to keep close to us, something so important we want it to be close to our hearts. In fact we're to write them upon the table of our hearts.

God's law, His commandments are to be on our hearts!

Yet these are the very things that people want to say are gone! They want to say they're no longer valid. They want the very things that God wanted written on our hearts and hung about our necks, destroyed. They don't see the love in them, they only see the restrictions. They only see them as 'works' and yell out we're not saved by works. We aren't that is true, there isn't a lifetime of works we can do that could pay for our sins. We could live a million years and we wouldn't live long enough to pay for any sins. There is only one that can do that for us and that is Jesus. The thing is... we don't keep the commandments to save ourselves, we keep them out of love for the one who made them and found them worthy enough to want them to be bound about our necks; and written upon our hearts.

Keeping mercy and truth is all tied up with having the love of God in our lives. There is so much we have to learn, to much to realize.

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