Thursday, July 15, 2010

Love Grows Cold

Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Just to touch on something more concerning the last days let's really examine this verse.

And BECAUSE…. We have a cause here.
And because iniquity… another word for sin.
And because iniquity shall abound…

Dictionary definition for 'abound'


Show IPA
–verb (used without object)
to occur or exist in great quantities or numbers: a stream in which trout abound.
to be rich or well supplied (usually fol. by in ): The region abounds in coal.
to be filled; teem (usually fol. by with ): The ship abounds with rats.

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And because iniquity shall abound… be found in GREAT quantities.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love… the genuine source of true caring for the welfare of others.
And because iniquity shall abound the love of many… many as compared to few.
And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax… shall grow.
And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold…

COLD - Dictionary Definition--

lacking in passion, emotion, enthusiasm, ardor, etc.; dispassionate: cold reason.
not affectionate, cordial, or friendly; unresponsive: a cold reply; a cold reception.

Pasted from

And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall….be passionless, unfriendly.

Yesterday we briefly touched upon allowing ourselves to become desensitized to the horrors of our world. When we no longer feel the pain of others, when we no longer see the horrors of sin in all their ugliness, when we become immune to the tragedies of life that have made our God weep, we are in grave danger of falling into a trap of Satan's to snare us in such a way we are caught up in His world and lost to God's. Think about it. We may call it growing a hard shell just to protect our own emotional sanity but that hard shell is Satan's doing causing our love to grow cold and if our love grows cold it dies and if we don't have love… we don't have God.

Satan would blind us to His ways. Satan would have us kept in the dark and bound as his. Many will be bound to Satan by UNSEEN ties, they won't even know those ties are there! In fact, many will insist right up to the end that they are with Jesus, but they won't be. In the end they will see all the ties of Satan wrapped around them to their horror all because they aren't followers of the one, true Savior.

A song I like called- 'My Jesus' sung by Todd Agnew, talks about 'His' Jesus and how he perceives 'His' Jesus to be- unlike the Jesus many others imagine- this song really touches my heart because it's raw truth. Satan has taken Jesus and impersonated Him, making Him out to be something He is not for many to believe in and many do believe in the impersonated Jesus, unsuspectingly. The Bible tells us about Jesus and how He lived His life and it wasn't with ANY self-righteousness at all and frankly that's where a lot of us are caught up- believing in a Jesus that would approve of our patting ourselves on the backs for our good works, for our charity, for our ability to rise above sin that easily besets others. Jesus' love was pure and He revealed His love to us in all its amazing glory. Jesus didn't set up a 'New' temple for people to worship in after He prophesized of the earthly temple being destroyed.

Mat 24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

Jesus did tell us not to forsake gathering ourselves together, Jesus did tell us to help one another and to help others. People have tried for many, many years to put Jesus into a box and label that box their 'religion'. We've hundreds of religions but all Jesus asks of us is to believe in Him, follow Him and His ways. Simply belonging to a 'religion', joining a 'denomination', will never make one a true follower of our true God, Jesus. Finding a group of followers in a world that has waxed cold because of sin won't be easy and we are to seek Jesus first, not fellow believers. Satan has his snares everywhere, we just need to place our hope fully in Christ revealed in His word and nothing else. We need to be dressed in the armor He provides and pray always. May God keep us from being deceived , may God open our hearts and minds and keep our love on fire in Him. As sin abounds and love grows cold all around us, please Lord let us cling to You and find a burning love and all that entails even if it makes us strangers to this world and its ways. Bless and keep us loving Savior, by Your mercy, through Your grace, in Your righteousness now and FOREVER!


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