Sunday, July 18, 2010

Secret Faults

Psa 19:12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.

Secret faults.

If something is a secret then it's hidden. Our secret faults are hidden from who? Certainly not God. Could it be that some of our faults are hidden from ourselves? People fool themselves all the time don't they? You wouldn't think a person could deceive themselves but they do it all the time. We do it ALL the time. Sometimes we're not aware of our negative traits until another points them out to us and then we often go on the defensive when we're made aware of them. We don't like to have faults, why would we, and we certainly don't like people noting our faults. Before God nothing is hidden, nothing is secret. God knows every single fault we have.

Can we understand our errors? We have them, lots of them. We need to realize that we have errors in our lives, that we have secret faults and we need cleansing from those faults. We are not perfect. We will never be faultless, only Christ is faultless. We need to be cleansed from not only faults we are aware of, but faults we are not aware of. We need to ask God to cleanse us because ONLY God can cleanse us from faults we aren't even aware of. It sounds as if that's a bit too much, but it's not if you really think about it. People aren't blameless just because they are unaware. We like to think we are blameless if we 'just didn't know' something. We feel helpless and confused if we are called out on something because of our lack of knowledge. I can't count the number of times I've used the excuse myself, saying, I didn't know. How can we be accountable for not knowing? Perhaps because there is or was an opportunity for us to know and we missed it? I'm not sure, but we are accountable for missed opportunities, aren't we?

Accountability is something we all have. We will account to God for our lives. We will be judged for our lives. It's no wonder we should ask God to cleanse us of our secret faults. Cleanse us. Make us clean through the blood of the Lamb. Cleanse us Lord we are filthy in ways we know and ways we don't know.

By Your grace and mercy Lord be our all in all, may Your righteousness be ours through your sacrifice.

In You now and forever!


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