Thursday, July 8, 2010

Unto them that look for Him!

Heb 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

'Unto them that LOOK for him'

Time and again it strikes me how often we forget to 'look' for Christ's second coming. How many days can go be without a thought about Jesus returning to save us? It's easy to forget because we get so caught up in other things- life- as we call it, as if looking for the return of our Savior isn't 'life'. In fact, looking for the return of our Savior is MORE life than any other life we may have.

Think about how often you look forward to things, things that don't have a set date but rather you know are going to come just because of what time of year it is. Think about a visit with family or friends you're expecting. You can even think about scheduled appointments in your future. There is a certain amount of anticipation for the future events, not necessarily good anticipation for some it's more like looking with trepidation for what's going to take place. We look for things all the time because we KNOW they'll happen. We HAVE to look for Christ's return the SAME way. We have to look for it, not just keep it as an afterthought on a back burner in our minds. It needs to be on the front burner of our brains. The more we keep the fact of Christ's second coming on our mind the more it will keep us grounded in reality. The reality being that EVERYTHING here and now is but a moment in eternity. The good times will pass just as assuredly as the bad times, but Christ is forever!

Unto THEM … who???? THEM that LOOK FOR HIM! Christ will appear a second time without sin unto salvation!!! Sin will be a thing of the past! Sin will be overcome! Sinning will be NO MORE! We will have no more sin in us! Christ's righteousness will prevail over us. No more sin! Imagine… just imagine that.

We have to LOOK for Christ. Yes, we know He is and we know what He can do and has done, but we have to keep LOOKING, never stop looking! If we ever stop looking for our Savior's return we will be in danger and we can't afford to be in danger.

Looking for Christ's second coming is a beautiful thing- not a creepy, cultish thing. People would have you believe only fools will go about talking of Jesus' second coming. Well all I have to say is let me be the biggest fool there is then.

By the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior, our beautiful Redeemer, in Him, in His righteousness now and forever!


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