Monday, December 31, 2012


Mat 5:2  And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Mat 5:7  Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
 'Strong's: From G1653; compassionate (actively): - merciful.'
The merciful, the compassionate.
Does being merciful and compassionate come naturally to us?  It seems like it does to some people. Their instant response to situations calling for compassion and mercy seem to be perfect. So what happens to the rest of the people who don't have this instant, natural sympathetic, merciful, compassionate side? Do we throw in the towel and just say we'll never be like that? We'll never be what  Jesus wants us to be?
That's one of Satan's favorite traps for us. He LOVES getting us to the place of giving up, of giving in to despair of ever being Christ-like.
Jesus is TEACHING us.
The key word is TEACHING.
'He OPENED His mouth, and TAUGHT…' 
He did NOT open His mouth and say those who are already all these things are the ones I want with me. He was TEACHING us what it means to be like HIM, to be HIS, THROUGH HIM!
He knew we were not naturally all these things. He wants us to recognize in ourselves our NEED of HIM.
Those who show mercy will in fact obtain mercy.
Meaning- those who do NOT show mercy will NOT obtain mercy.
You can have mercy without having an overwhelming feeling involved. We get so hung up on what we FEEL.  Can you show compassion without feeling?
'Compassion - Merriam-Webster Online-
sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it. '
Sympathetic meaning being sensitive to another's needs.
Can you be sympathetic towards others and want to alleviate their distress without being all choked up? Can those who are geared towards being more logical and less emotional be merciful- filled with compassion, sympathetic towards others distress wanting to help?  YES.
These are CHOICES we make!
These are situations we will be faced with and a choice will need to be made by us. Do we HELP or IGNORE the need tor help? Do we comprehend our NEED to help, to be merciful?  Do we WANT mercy shown to us by others and most importantly, do we want mercy shown to us by our SAVIOR?
We must choose MERCY!
Satan will at every opportunity try to steal away any mercy we are inclined to show towards others. Satan will try to confuse us with emotions telling us if we don't FEEL it then it's not real, if we don't FEEL it then we are liars, if we don't FEEL it then we are false, if we don't FEEL it then we are not God's! 
We cannot let ourselves get caught in this awful trap, and it IS A TRAP!  It's one of many sneaky traps Satan has to lead us down a path that ultimately ends in our despair and destruction.
We need to SET ASIDE our FEELINGS and cling to our KNOWING CHRIST, knowing how our LORD would have us live. Being taught of Christ.
We are told to LEARN- MERCY.
If we are MERCIFUL we will be shown MERCY.
We need mercy.
By the grace of God we need mercy.

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