Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thrist after Christ's Righteousness

Mat 5:2  And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

Mat 5:5  Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Yesterday I talked about the meek but forgot to add the second part.


Inheriting the earth.
We've already read this--

Mat 5:3  Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 5:4  Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

The kingdom of heaven and being comforted, and now inheriting the earth.

In truth we have to realize that every single one of these 'rewards' if you will, are given to all who are poor in spirit, all who mourn, all who are meek.  What I mean is, if you are poor in spirit then you are going to have the kingdom of heaven and the fact that yours is the kingdom of heaven means you are God's and if you are God's you will also end up being comforted and inheriting the earth. 

It's amazing the rewards of those who are GOD's. In the end of all this, the lesson we have to learn is we need to be God's in ALL THINGS. The lesson we are learning from our Savior is that LIFE here and now is NOT supposed to be wonderful. So many people imagine life is supposed to be wonderful right now and when things aren't going good they get upset and depressed and all too often we BLAME God rather than comprehend that we are BLESSED in our misfortune. Who wants to believe they are BLESSED when they are hurting, when they are emotionally spent, when their hearts are ripped apart, when they are poor in spirit,, when they are mourning, when they are meek and in all this they are suffering by living in a world that is ruled by Satan.

Blessed to be poor in spirit.
Blessed to mourn.
Blessed to be meek.

Blessed because those who are Christ's comprehend their all consuming NEED of Christ and they do this through their weakness,  finding strength in the LORD, not in themselves.

Mat 5:6  Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Hunger and thirst.

We know what it means to be hungry and thirsty. We know the desire to fill the hunger in our bellies, to quench our thirst. Those who don't know hunger or thirst to the extreme do know it at least to some degree, even if it's slight.  A missed meal, no chance to drink for some time, we know this and we get to the point where we can't wait to eat something to fill that emptiness inside, to drink to no longer have that awful dryness in our throats and mouths.  If we hunger, and thirst for something we want that hunger and thirst satisfied.  It's a NEED in us, not simply a want. 



Desire righteousness as if it is something you NEED to live!

We need food, we need drink to live, and we need the RIGHTEOUSNESS of CHRIST to live!  Without the Righteousness of Christ we do NOT live.

We are blessed in hungering and thirsting for CHRIST'S Righteousness, and we will be filled!  That hunger, that thirst will be FILLED by our SAVIOR.

Do we hunger, do we thirst for Christ's righteousness?  Is it a REAL desire for us? A REAL need to us? It has to be!
Just because we do not recognize the pangs of needing Christ's righteousness as we do the physical pangs of hunger and thirst, doesn't mean we shouldn't REALIZE intellectually, spiritually that we NEED to fill ourselves with CHRIST'S RIGHTEOUSNESS by choosing to live for CHRIST. As often as we need to eat and drink, we need to have Christ's in our thoughts and if we don't we are missing out on a chance to have Him in our LIVES more fully. This is TRUTH, this is CHRIST'S LOVE, this is CHRIST'S RIGHTEOUSNESS.


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