Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Do you allow your conscience to work?

'We need to possess a conscience void of offense, not in the sense that it is better than before or that much evil has been done away but that it is without offense and confident before God. This ought to be the normal condition of our conscience.

If we prostrate ourselves before it and allow it to reprove us: if we offer ourselves entirely to the Lord and are willing to perform all His purposes: then our confidence shall increase until it is possible for us to regard our conscience as void of offense.

We dare to tell God that now we have nothing left which is concealed from Him. So far as we are concerned we know of nothing between us and Him.

In walking by the spirit we should never permit the tiniest offense to stir up our conscience. Whatever it condemns must be confessed immediately, cleansed by the precious blood and forsaken, so that no trace be left behind. Each day we should seek to have a good conscience, because no matter how short a time conscience may be offended it renders great harm to the spirit'  The Spiritual Man - by Watchman Nee

"I have lived before God in all good conscience up to this day” (Acts 23.1)

It's not a joke- our conscience. It's a very real indicator of us spiritually. If our conscience is NOT clear we are not living in the Spirit.  Allowing the Spirit to convict us is so crucial. If we know something is sinful and it doesn't make our conscience take notice then our spirit is not alive in us. Satan would love for us to be deceived and he'll stop at nothing to do just that. If Satan can get our conscience to be quiet while we sin relentlessly, then he's won us. If our conscience is NOT alive in us revealing any and all things against God's love then we are not God's.

Truly the 'tiniest offense' that isn't repented of can fester within our spirit destroying us.

Every single day we have to live for Christ and all that entails and it isn't ignoring Him and ignoring the Spirit. 

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