Monday, November 4, 2019

Doubt Unacceptable.

Mal 2:17  Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment? 

Being able to live in this world as a follower of Christ, a believer in God, means many things. It mean we recognize doubting God is one of Satan's very useful tools of which he has many to ensnare people into his grand deception. It is no fantasy, no piece of fiction for entertainment purposes but a very harsh reality that Satan does indeed have many tricks and traps all set up around us and he is ready at a moment's notice to play those tricks and spring those traps. When people doubt God there is a tendency to say it's normal, but is it? We can cite many Biblical passages of those chosen by God for special purposes - doubting God, but never ever did their doubt not deserve repentance. Is doubt normal, I ask again, and answer - it's only normal in so much as sin is normal in needing forgiveness, it is NOT normal in such a way as we should accept it or encourage it in ourselves or others.

The verse above talks of wearing the LORD with words- the words that reveal a heart despising God's seeming blessing upon those who work the works of evil because the evil seem to be and are the most prosperous in material and worldly possessions. Tell me it isn't true and I won't believe you because I know that the evil in our world is rich in world power and monetary gain.

Constantly we see posts on social media about how much those in our governing system in the United States make in salary a year and the various lifetime perks they receive for serving their countries people, and then we see how much your average person makes in that country and the staggering difference between the two. Those with the power give themselves the most while those they are supposedly serving live lives of destitution in comparison.

It's no secret at all in our entertainment business here in the United States and most likely worldwide, that there is a great shunning of things Christian, except for a few in comparison, rare acceptances. And those in the entertainment business- the few compared to the masses of people in existence- are rich beyond measure compared to those masses. 

The injustices in our world are blatant and very real, and Satan loves to use this to point the finger at God and say- He's not fair, He's not Just, He's not a true believer in good over evil because He allows evil to prosper, while good suffers.  Such words truly weary the LORD because He's made absolutely NO secret of the hardships people will face- the just and the unjust. He's made NO claims that the good will forever and always prosper while the evil will suffer here and now upon earth. Fairness is NOT something that exists in our current condition as sinners.

Mat_5:45  … for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

We weary the LORD when we accuse Him of being unfair, of doubting His goodness. The LORD has made such an unfathomable sacrifice so we may have hope in Him, and know He is always and forever good, He is love. When doubt Him and His ways constantly and consistently, unrepentant, we have truly forgotten our way. He promises a FUTURE not of this world and therein lies all our hope- where HE IS, and WHAT HE PROMISES TO COME. Here and now we should not be shocked to suffered constantly one hardship after another, one tragedy after another while often people who profess no love of God at all, seem to live lives of ease and prosperity. 

Lives of ease and prosperity can be a whole new sort of tool Satan uses to his evil end and yes, that is in reality. He exists and does so solely to snare every single person he can in his lies.

May God keep us from wearying Him with our unbelief in His truth, in His love. May we trust solely in HIM and HIS judgment which is forever true and just. May we be protected from the evil of this world- ALL the EVIL every single bit down to the last molecule of evil in existence. Evil comes in many disguises, may we not be deceived! Protect us Heavenly FATHER, protect us and keep us from all evil! All through Jesus Christ our LORD and SAVIOR now and forever!!!!!!! 


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