Sunday, January 26, 2020

Eating, Drinking-Living-All to Glorify God.

All, not some of the things, but all the things we do should be done to the glory of God.

If we live our lives with the thought of God in all we do, would our lives be led differently?

Eating and drinking are two very basic necessities in our lives. We scarcely go a day without doing both, and often several times a day. When a person stops eating and drinking it's because they are usually sick and those around the person know that if they don't start doing both soon they could die. Sure, going a day without eating because your stomach feels off, isn't too bad of a thing. But going several days without eating is something very worrisome. To go even a single day without drinking anything is worrisome, two days very troubling, three days then you know something is seriously wrong and your health is in danger. Looking it up on the internet it states a person can go up to a week without drinking, in another place it says three to four days. We can last without food a lot longer, but fluid is a whole other story.

Eating and drinking, again I state, these are two basic needs we have for survival and we are told in the word of God that whether we are eating or drinking we should do it to the glory of God.

Eating and drinking to God's glory.

If God is FIRST in our lives, the place He is supposed to hold before all else, then it stands to perfect reason that eating and drinking, and truly ALL we do is done to God's glory.

Honoring God, recognizing God in everything we do, not just a few things.

Do our lives bring glory to God? 

Do our actions bring glory to God?

If we answer no then we have to reevaluate our lives, our actions.

We cannot take God and set Him aside while we live in a way contrary to Him. Even a person in the lowest estate needs to recognize God and glorify Him. A beggar on the street, a person caught up in a life of sin, needs to recognize God and seek His glory- and seek forgiveness, seek a way to live to glorify God. God has made ways for us to escape any temptation to sin, to disobey Him. We must seek that way. We must strive against sin…

Heb_12:4  Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

Luk_13:24  Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

We truly have to strive - which the dictionary tells us means- to try hard to achieve something or get something, to fight in opposition to something, to compete resolutely against somebody or something, to struggle, endeavor, attempt, try, go all out, do your best, do your utmost, make every effort, do all you can do, pull out all stops.  

Striving is not a half-hearted attempt towards something, but giving it everything we have to give.

Doing all to the glory of God means just what it says.

1Co 10:31  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 
1Co 10:32  Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God: 
1Co 10:33  Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. 

We must do all to God's glory, and in doing so we are to live peaceably with everyone- not a single person excluded. We are to glorify God by letting God's love live in us and through us. We are not to love anyone with our own love, but with God's love. We can love all when we love with God's love and not our own. When we seek to help all and in doing so live the example of God's love- glorifying Him for all the help we are able to give to anyone, we are pointing them towards salvation through God. To this end Christ came, to this end we live. All by the power, the grace, the mercy, the will of our Lord, Jesus Christ, now and forever! May we live our lives to glorify God!

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