Friday, January 17, 2020

How Often Do You Think of Heaven?

The kingdom of heaven, how often do you think about the kingdom of heaven?

How often should we think about the kingdom of heaven?

Ask a person who has been taken reluctantly from their beloved homeland to a land far away how often they think of their home and what do you think they'd tell you?

Pay close attention to the word reluctantly.

If you have a dream of returning to your homeland which you left - not because you wanted to leave but because you had no choice in the matter- wouldn't you think of it often? What if all your efforts go into returning? The job you have is worked hard so you can save money to make that return possible. Perhaps you have more than one job because you so desperately want to return home. Maybe you sacrifice a lot of things just so you can keep the majority of your earnings for the anticipated journey. Do you think of your homeland often if all that is the case? Yes.

You make the best of your circumstances but you refuse to put your earnings into making the place you are living now into anything but the barest minimum for survivability, the basic comforts only, no luxuries- you really, really want to go home. You make friends with some of those around you but you do so with them knowing of your dream of going home and all the plans you make are towards that end. Your desperation to return home is something that you keep before you all the time, your love for your home is so strong nothing can deter you from it, not a single thing. So how often are you thinking of your home when your entire life is focused on getting back there?  All the time. You are truly thinking of your home all the time because it is something you want so fiercely.

Let me ask you again- how often should we think of the kingdom of heaven?

I think you know the answer.


Mar 4:30  And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? 
Mar 4:31  It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: 
Mar 4:32  But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. 

Tiny seed.


Tiny seed planted.

Heaven opened through the gospel Jesus preached.

Tiny seed sprouted.

The message of heaven through the sacrifice of Jesus spreading.

Tiny seed sprouted growing and growing.

The gospel spreading and spreading.

Tiny seed no longer tiny but a huge tree.

The gospel of the kingdom realized in full.

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