Monday, June 1, 2009

Be Ready

1 Pet. {3:15} But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and [be] ready always to [give] an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear

Titus {3:1} Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work

Make God Holy in our hearts. Be ready ALWAYS to answer everyone that asks you why you have hope, do so with meekness and reverence.

Is God holy in your heart? Are you ready to tell others why you have hope in you? Ready not with a cockiness that some have because they feel superior in their beliefs, but ready to do so softly, quietly letting the Holy Spirit work. We have to understand that we need to be ready to walk as Christ walked and that isn't in wickedness. So many believe they can walk in wickedness and claim God. We need to be ready to every good work- ready to work for the Lord in any circumstance. God needs to be with us wherever we go in whatever we do. If we can't take God with us, if we have to tuck our religion away while we do something then in our hearts we know that what we're doing isn't something good, but something wicked.

We have to obey the laws of the land, we are subject to the law of our land and we have to obey those who enforce the laws of the land as long as there is no compelling us to contridict the word of our Lord and Savior. God first, always, and God first, God's will is that we obey those around us as servants. He who was the greatest Servant of all is our example.

If we are looking for strife, if we are looking for a cause to fight for and we want to rail against the system we live in we aren't following Christ's way. Even when there comes a time for us to make a stand for God against others we are to do so with meekness, as a servant whose Master is God. Our Master would have us represent Him properly, not wickedly.

So yes, we need to be ready to answer any man, we need to be ready to every good work, and we need to do all this with the Spirit of Christ in us, guiding us. Suffering so much, Christ didn't rail against his accusers but asked that they be forgiven will we, can we, do we the same? Do we ask that our accusers, our enemies be forgiven or are we quick to wish them evil for the evil they give?

By the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior now and forever may we have the heart of Christ in us now and always to be ready to answer any man, to be ready to do good works for the Lord representing Him as He wills.


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