Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Spiritual Feasting

Prov. {30:5} Every word of God [is] pure: he
[is] a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Luke {4:4} And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written,
That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
of God.

Eph. {6:17} And take
the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is
the word of God


The word of God is pure, the word of God is sustenance, the word of God is a sword. The word of God is powerful- protecting, sustaining, defending. To have such protection is something we'd all want, right? To have *magic* words of protection, words we could use to keep us safe, words we could use to ward off harm, words that could keep us alive as food might. Those are special words! We have such words and they aren't from a spell book of sorcery but true and holy- the word of God. Do we keep the word of God as holy? Do we revere the word of God as some might revere words of false gods? Do we protect the word of God as others might keep their special words under lock and key? God's words aren't to be muffled but shared and taken to heart by all. God is love! God doesn't want His words hid. The evil one would have his words hid- would have his evil words seemingly so powerful that only those that are special can invoke them. The words of God are powerful, truly powerful and they aren't hidden away and kept special for only those who are considered special enough to read them. The word of God is available to everyone! Everyone! Just as the love of God is available to everyone! Just as salvation is for everyone that believes in the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ- the word of God personified.

No wonder people would die for the word of God. No wonder people consider the Bible worth more than their own lives because in it is life. The words in the Bible are life giving words. The words are special and we can't even begin to fathom just how special. We are told how special and yet we disregard them.

Every word of God is pure. God is a shield, He gives us protection when we trust in Him. God protects our eternal life. We are to live by the word of God. Do you live by the word of God? What does it mean to live by the word of God? Do we feed on the word of God? Our bodies are fashioned in such a way that we need to put food in them to sustain them properly. We have built in sensors so to speak that tell us when we are hungry, when we are thirsty, and we know that we are to feed ourselves and get something to drink to ease the hungry and thirst. Food and drink won't give us full life. We might not be physically hungry or thirsty but there is a spiritual hunger in us that we need to feed. How often? If we are to live by every word of God we need to live by it at least as often as we live by food and drink, right? It makes sense. God does nothing without reason. God designed us in the way He did so that we couldn't forget to feed our spiritual self right along with our physical. We choose to forget. We choose to leave our spiritual selves starving. We feed our spiritual selves sparingly so that most people are stick thin spiritually without ever having to diet. This is one time that we should feast and feast and become fat in the word of God, become sated by the word of God because it is by the word of God we have our sword to fight off the unseen powers assailing us.

Just as we need to pick up food and put it into our mouths, just as we need to pour our drink and take it to our mouths we need to bring the word of God to our hearts, to our minds. We have to open the word, we have to read the word, we have to take the word of God into us make it real to us, feed ourselves with the word. There is a reason why Jesus blessed bread and wine, breaking the bread and telling His apostles to eat of it, and drinking the wine telling His apostles to drink. There is a reason He equated the bread and wine with Himself and it wasn't so we could become cannibals. He wanted us to realize the importance of what He was giving us. A spiritual recipe, a spiritual command to sustain ourselves on the Word of God, on Him who brought the word of God to life for us. The apostles went from house to house breaking bread and drinking wine, bringing Christ's message of salvation to all they could. Christ wanted His message brought to all, not reserved for a special few ordained by man. He wanted His word to spread far and wide, not remain hidden in the hearts of a select sect.

May God bless and keep us in His Word now and forever by His mercy and grace, by the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.


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