Saturday, June 6, 2009

The conclusion of the whole matter

Can you hide yourself from God? No. Can you hide yourself fomr man? Yes. Can you hide yourself from your loved ones, those who supposedly know you better than you're supposed to know yourself? Yes. How often is it someone does something that is shockingly out of character? More often than people probably like. Secret things, evil secret things and even good secret things. Thing are hid from people but not God. We are blind to a lot things in life, completely blind and yet there is One who sees everything little thing we do. God is our judge and the standard of that judgement is reverence towards God and keeping His commandments- that is our whole duty. Reverencing God, putting God where He belongs in our lives, the only supreme being, the only one worthy of any worship we have to give. Why is it so hard for us to reverence God? Why? Why is it hard to put God first? If we can't put God first are we going to keep His commandments? No. The first commandment is... Thou shall have no other gods before me.

Eccl. {12:13} Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the
whole [duty] of man. {12:14} For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be]
good, or whether [it be] evil.

The conclusion of the WHOLE MATTER! There is a conclusion to the whole matter, to everything, to every question, ever moment of wondering, there is a conclusion, there is a bottom line. And in conclusion... when we hear those words we have a sense of expectation that we're coming to the end of the matter, we're coming to the last bit and if we haven't understood all the talk before at this point there is a recap that concludes the whole matter. In conclusion. In conclusion concerning man and life--

Fear God and keep his commandments, this is the whole duty of man.

But there is a little more to that conclusion-

For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether good or whether evil.

There you have it, the conclusion to the whole matter of life.

Our lives are not hidden, they are not secrets to God. While no one on earth can really know us truly- know all the secret things of our heart, God knows. If you've nothing to hide from God you've no problem with Him knowing all there is to know, right? When we believe we are hiding anything from God we are mistaken. If we think that by ignoring Him and keeping Him out of our lives that He'll leave us alone, well no matter what we do He knows. There is no place a person can hide from God. We might be able to hide from each other, hide from a loved one, hide from the law, hide from strangers, hide from ourselves and yes, sometimes we fill our hearts with self-delusion to hide from ourselves and we do a darn good job of it too; but we can't hide anything from God. Some might say that's a cruel God who watches us, looking for us to make a mistake and obviously they don't know God's character at all. He is our Creator! He loves us! Out of love He wants us to be the creatures He made us to be and to be those creatures we must love Him and understand that He loves us. It's not by coincidence we are given life as we are- coupling and as a result children. A great lesson is learned, an imperfect lesson but a lesson nonetheless, when we have children. Generally parents want what is best for their children- God wants what is best for us. Our Heavenly Father wants His children to trust in Him. Can we always trust our earthly parents? No. But God is our Creator, our parents while having a hand in our creation only do so because God first gave them life.

May we come to understand the conclusion of the whole matter of life- it's no mystery.

Eccl. {12:13} Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the
whole [duty] of man.

May God bless and keep us, may we learn to fear God, to reverence God, to keep His commandments as He would have us keep them, in His love.

By the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ our Savior this is possible and only through Him. In His love now and forever.


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