Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Believing until the belief is forever realized.

2 Corinthians {5:7} For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Throughout life how are we asked to take things by faith. Would you buy a car by faith? Would you buy a house? Marry someone? Yes sometimes all these things happen but they are the rarity not the norm. By faith we might take someone at their word because they prove they can be trusted to follow through. If you have faith in someone that's a great thing isn't it?

Walking by faith.

Not by sight.

By faith.

Believing in the unseen. We have to believe in the unseen. The great unseen, the great I Am. In a Savior we've never touched, never seen, never spoken to we need to believe. We have to take the leap of faith and believe no matter what anyone says that God exists, that Jesus saves and that we are given the Holy Spirit to enable us to keep that faith.

Believing without proof. Believing without sight.

We walk by faith.

We have to believe in that, have faith in the fact we walk by faith. Have faith in faith? Seems impossible? Seems like one of those things that is a conundrum?

Have faith in faith. Believe in the unseen. In all actuality, faith multiplies that way, it grows that way. Faith is a constantly growing living thing. Believing is unending. Believing until the belief is forever realized. Believing in a God who loves us and will always love us and that one day we will be transformed into the creatures He intended us to be without all the sin and the results of sin. Faith.

We walk by faith, not by sight.

We need to remember this is the way we live- by faith now and forever.

May the grace and mercy of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ increase our quality of faith in Him now and forever, by His love.


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