Saturday, June 27, 2009

When they are finally convinced it will be too late.

Jesus on prophecy-

John 14:29 'And now I have told you before it
come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might

Told something before it happens- prophesizing.
So when it happens- you believe.

Watch- things will come to pass.

We have a wealth of prophecies that we've been allowed to realize beyond a doubt were written before they came to pass and a wealth of historical facts to prove the prophecies to be true. Many things were written so that we might believe.

Jesus prophesized of His death and resurrection before they happened and those that heard believed once it came to pass.

Prophecy is given to us allowing us to realize truly that God is in control. Skeptics reign in our world and they always will reign until Jesus returns. Unfortunately for those who choose not to believe in God's prophectic gift to mankind, for those who lack faith when they are finally convinced it will be too late.

Without faith it is impossible to please Him.

People cry out for concrete proof and ignore the fact they live and in that fact is proof alone. With scientist picking apart the human being and reducing them to cells that they can reproduce they claim to be able to play God in creating another human being but the fact remains no matter what scientists only use what has already been created and exists they have not brought into existence anything from nothing. They do not hold out their hand and in that hand appears that tiny bit of matter with which life begins. Anything they manipulate was already there in existence to be manipulated by them. The very fact they cannot produce something from absolutely nothing says one thing, they are not creators. They take from the already created and their so called new creations are merely manipulations. They are manipulators not creators. They don't create cures, they don't create disease they manipulate matter in existence and that manipulation brings forth various things for good or bad. They invent, they don't create. Even us ordinary men and women who reproduce we only do so with things created within us that we had no control over creating, all we've done is brought the two bits of matter together and from there the creating takes place not through any creating of our own but once again through us manipulating what is already there. We are not creators, we will never be creators. We can take a lump of clay and mold it into a gorgeous statue and people will call us the creator of that piece of work but the truth remains we only manipulated the clay we didn't bring the clay into existence, for that matter we didn't bring ourselves into existence. We are not creators. We take what exists and work with that. If we take two things and make something different a third thing that appears to be new that's all well and good but the fact remains we did not create those two things brought together to form that third. Ultimately when you break things down to their smallest component there was a Creator who brought into existence that smallest component. To assume that smallest component just popped into existence from no where is illogical because why aren't we still being bombarded with things just popping into existence? Why aren't we even seeing things popping into existence sparsely let alone being bombarded? These are all logic questions. When was the last time you heard of something that just appeared out of nowhere forming something brand new? What scientist has conjured from thin air, or rather from no where because yes they like to manipulate air too making it thin or thick- seriously they do manipulate air so that analogy falls short. What scientist had conjured something from nothing at all? I mean it. Nothing. What human being has just stood there and thought into existence anything at all? We have all sorts of fantasy movies and books about special people with powers able to do just that but those people are ficticious and in no way real. The fact remains there doesn't exist a single creator upon earth.

Satan, whose desire to be God overwhelmed him into believing he could be a creator- and yet he was a creation of God's. Creatures longing to be creators it hasn't ended not since Satan's pride reared up and spilled over into mankind.

We creatures have been blessed by our Creator and given so much by Him so that we might make that leap of faith. By the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may we have that faith and as one man cried out- Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief. May we too cry out the same. God will help our unbelief, because in asking for His help we are believing He is and He is able.

By His mercy! All power and glory, all praise to our God, our Lord, our Savior! By the Holy Spirit.


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