Sunday, April 12, 2015


Mat 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.


There are a lot of things we can choose to do that go against what our Lord commands --to love Him and love each other. We can choose the EASIER route which is to go along with the world and the world's ways.  To love ourselves first and others after that. To be selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed, self-captivated, self-exalted, this is the world's idea of being good, of being right.  When we choose any way that isn't the Lord's way, we are NOT enduring!

It is not endurance when we stop striving, when we don't fight, when we carry no cross.

Enduring unto the end means being engaged in the spiritual warfare not surrendering to sin. We surrender to our Savior and our Savior is our righteousness. We seek to know our Savior's will, we are taught by our Savior, we live as He would have us live, we do not live as if everything we do doesn't matter because it does.

Enduring to the end.

Are you enduring to the end if you are not involved?

I don't endure a race if I'm not running that race.

If I'm sitting on the sidelines, or running a different kind of race, I'm not enduring THE race. If I refuse to run THE race, I'm not enduring the race. If I pretend the race doesn't even exist, I'm not enduring the race. People might  believe just because they are alive they are enduring life and deserving of some special life after death, but the truth is none of us are deserving. Christ and Christ alone deserved life ever lasting and it's only through HIM we are given this gift of grace.  We believe in our Savior and live our lives under His commands- striving, enduring, running that race.

Please Father, we would endure to the end all through our Savior, Jesus Christ- He and He alone is our righteousness!


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