Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sufficient in God

2Co 3:5  Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God

God is all things. We were created by God to be a part of God's existence, not to become little gods all on our own.

We are so incredibly arrogant.  Some people truly believe they are their own masters of fate. The truth is, they had NO control over their own birth, their own young years, and then the control they did receive when they became old enough to begin making their own choices was a flawed one. So many times as adults we look back on the mistakes of our youth and say - "If I could go back in time I wouldn't do this or that." We also might say that we wouldn't change anything because it would alter who we are today etc. But we cannot say in all honesty that there is nothing we regret in our lives.  We have regrets because of bad decisions we've made. And because we are arrogant we blame God for the bad things in the world. Or we choose not to believe there is a God because there are bad things in the world. We believe there is nothing but this awful life for so many millions and millions of people suffering horrifically, and that's all they have. They only have this awful life and then nothing because they believe in nothing.  How incredibly awful to believe in nothing. How incredibly awful to believe we are all there is. Some people might find their own sort of arrogant solace in believing nothing, they might find their own happiness in their self-perceived superiority and they are allowed that. They are allowed to believe whatever they choose, and I, personally  will NOT try and force anyone to believe otherwise. It breaks my heart that their spiritual blindness has totally deceived them and they truly believe they are sufficient of themselves and have no need of God.

I am NOT sufficient of myself. All I do will not save me. All I do is not of love.  I NEED GOD to be sufficient for me, I need God to be my Savior. I need  God to be in me for me to have Hope! If I dared to believe I could save myself, if I dared believe I could have hope in just me, I would be deluded, and hopeless.  I am as a little child, dependent upon my God, my Creator, my Redeemer, the Holy Spirit.

My sufficiency is of God!  I am not better than a single other person in this world, not one. Christ is all things. 

Money has no worth, but the worth we give it as a culture.  We say gold has worth but if we said a pebble had worth then it would have worth.

We deem each other as having worth - we must because we are all human beings.  When we fail to see each other as having worth we can hurt each other without any prick of conscience. 

We have worth to God, incredible worth! He created us!  And we all know on the level of humanity that most children have great worth to most parents. We also know we cannot force our children to love us or even like us. When children are young we can force them to do things they don't want to- their homework, cleaning, etc. but even then we cannot force them to love us. You might be able to force the words from a child, but the words in and of themselves are not that love. We can pretend they are love, but you cannot force love from anyone- it must be freely given.

Our Heavenly Father, our Creator does not force us to love Him, He will not force us to accept Him, He will not force us into an eternal life with Him.  He will not drag us adult children into His everlasting life.  He will accept us who - like little children- trust Him, and He will take care of us who accept that we are His children in need of Him.

If you believe God should force us to love Him,  then you believe we should have no free will. 

God would have us with the understanding of our dependency as little children, with the trust of a child, and as adult children with the free choice to choose to love Him.

A little baby was NOT the first human being.

A grown man was the first human being.

A grown man made a choice to obey or disobey His Creator.  A grown man has that power of choice to love and obey, or not.

Please, heavenly Father, please we would be YOURS. We choose YOU. Please forgive us and make it possible for us to be Yours. Helps us to do whatever we need to do, to believe as we need to believe, to strive, to deny self, to sin no more, to repent, please help us be all we cannot be without You as we submit wholly t o You and Your will. 

All in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.


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