Saturday, June 27, 2015

Only one true happiness promised- hope

Heb 13:18  Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.

When we honestly say and believe there is no such thing as right or wrong, we are deceived.  Take a LONG moment and realize the implications of there being no right or wrong - morally. 

To take away morality is to take away life because without morality no one can fault another for choosing to take another's life. You cannot say taking another person's life is wrong unless you base it on some sort of moral conviction that it is wrong.  And if you truly believe it is okay to take another person's life where does that leave a society of such people? No one, absolutely no one is safe to live without fear of losing their life  not the greatest, most powerful person to the least powerful.  We've all (or most of us) have seen movies where societies are ruled by dictators who kill at will- truthfully this has been a reality in our world. People who choose to rule and are allowed to rule with others following their rules even to the point of killing those they deem undesirable for any reason at all whatsoever. Those ruling make their own ideas of what is right and wrong to them and that is their personal moral code they choose to live by, and others choose to accept as their moral code.  Our entire world has many different moral codes and when a majority stands up and proclaims a moral code many believe that moral code must be the right moral code because it's followed and accepted by a majority worldwide.  Then you get the dissidents from that majority moral code and they are the ones in the wrong- to the majority.

Morality simply cannot be whatever a person deems is moral based on personal preference. Morality simply cannot be whatever a majority whim deems moral.

There is a morality that exists and it exists for all, yet many who choose to create and follow their own moral code will choose to doubt the morality for all. The morality for all doesn't fit with their ideas of fairness, of right and wrong, of good and bad, of evil and love.

Most but very obviously NOT all people believe murder is wrong.  Murder- ending a person's life for no other reason than you don't want them to live.  The murderer deciding it is fine for another to no longer have the privilege of living that they themselves have. There really are people who believe they have the moral right to take another's life because they don't want them to have life and for no other reason- no offense whatsoever against any moral code- but they just no longer want that particular person to live like they are being allowed to live.  What RIGHT does anyone have to say that person's moral code is wrong if there is NO one right moral code of life?

Now comes the scrambling to say well there are certain things that ARE universally moral or immoral. Who decided? Who made that deciding factor to say this is morally wrong, but that isn't? What person? Was it a majority vote? Did a majority get together and say no one should have the right to take another's life just because they want that life over. However they can take another's life under THESE certain conditions.  A moral code is being decided upon by people and they determine they have the right to create this moral code, and those who do not follow the moral code are deemed immoral.  The problem that occurs when people decide on a moral code for themselves is it is based on their perception of morality and as we've already determined one person may deem killing another arbitrarily is morally just and that is their moral code. If there were enough people to agree to that morality, that would become the moral code universally, aside from dissidents. 

We know other than a minority of people we consider aberrant  in our world most do consider killing someone simply because you desire to end their life is wrong. We even have come up with a MOSTLY universal code on murdering for reasons, and we've made a list of what reasons are acceptable and under what conditions. You may kill someone if they are trying to kill you. You may not kill someone because they do not believe the things you believe. You may kill someone if they've killed others without any of the acceptable reasons allowed. You may not kill someone if they kill for personal gain. You may not kill someone for personal insult. You may not kill someone for theft.   The lists go on and on and each group of people have their own set of moral codes and all the fine print that goes with them.  Created by the people for the people.

There is no REAL universally accepted moral code. No REAL moral code everyone adheres to, but that does NOT mean there ISN'T a moral code that exists for everyone.  A moral code created by a NON HUMAN. A moral code created NOT by the people for the people. A moral code created by ONE who has proven by HISTORICAL FACTS to exist.

Facts. Something undisputable. No room for LOGICAL doubt. Historical PREDICTIONS coming to past as PREDICTED on such a universal scale to doubt them is literally to doubt FACTS.

Take a prediction made hundreds of years before it comes to pass. 
Take a lot of predictions made that have ALL without fail come to pass.

You can choose to call them lucky guesses. You can choose to call them made up lies simply because you wish to disregard logic. You can choose to call it all nonsense and not look at the facts at all whatsoever.  You can do what you please, no one can force you to believe anything. People can coerce others to believe things, brain wash them, torture them, mentally break them-this does occur beyond doubt. But ultimately without that torture and such, no one can force belief upon another. You can force a false acceptance of believing, but you cannot force genuine belief upon another.

People have the right to say they don't believe and they can give all their reasons or no reason at all for not believing.

Personally I CANNOT disregard the historical proof, the undisputed (LOGICALLY UNDISPUTABLE) logic. I cannot.  I see etched in the earth itself proof of history. 

Is this my personal belief-  it is what I choose to believe, yes. I choose to believe in logical proof.

What is this logical proof I'm choosing to believe in?

My Creators- God the Father, God the Begotten Son Jesus Christ, God the Holy Spirit.  My Creators.  And I believe my NON-HUMAN Gods (before God -the declared to be SON took on FLESH), created me and gave me moral codes that are NOT mine to dispute,  they are not mine to change, and they are UNIVERSAL to all human beings.

I believe when a human being decided to disobey this Creator given moral code they invited every bit of conceivable evil into their lives.  Created with the ability to choose to disobey they did disobey and made it so that choice would confront every human being (mentally capable) in the future.  The same choice in a world of disobedience, rather than the same choice in a world without disobedience. The evidence of disobedience a reality, not just a sure consequence. Given the chance to witness the results of disobedience to know what it means to disobey and to suffer consequences of disobedience- we each choose.  We have history filled with disobedience and results of disobedience.  We suffer daily with the consequences as we age- even the healthiest person never sick a day in their lives, never injured will still suffer the consequences of an aging body even if their last breath is their first sickness at an old age.  We see the suffering in others and in the world itself all around us in many ways.  If we choose to call all the suffering, all the evil, all the sickness- normal and just how it is all suppose to be without reason, that is a choice we make.

My Creators did not create me to accept that the world I live in as the world intended, as the world I was created to live in.  My Creators created me and allowed me to choose to believe or not believe in something much better, a life in a world without any disobedience and the resulting consequences of that disobedience.

The evils allowed into the existence are beyond any number I could give them. A life being call fair and meaning being allowed a happiness outside of the hope for a life beyond this life without disobedience, does NOT exist.  This thing people call their right to happiness outside of that hope DOES NOT EXIST! All things outside of that hope are tainted by disobedience. 

IF we are given things that make us feel an imitation of true happiness - outside of that hope- we are given them to deceive us into believing we have a right to more of that happy feeling outside of that hope.

If we are given things that make us feel a happiness- with that HOPE real within us- then we are blessed for that, truly blessed. But we are NOT promised a single moment of happiness beyond the HOPE of that eternal life in a world without disobedience.  

So while the majority of people search for what they believe is their RIGHT to happiness and convince others they too have this RIGHT to happiness they are DECEIVED.

Every one created has a choice (those mentally capable is always a given). 

There WILL be a world without disobedience, and we are all offered a way into that world without disobedience by accepting that our God in the Flesh, the Begotten Son, Jesus Christ is that offered Way.  There in that world without disobedience, a world to come, we are promised happiness beyond our ability to comprehend. This is our HOPE.

Heb 13:18  Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.

We need to pray for one another.  We need to pray for those who have the Hope of the Way within them to live in the HOPE through all of this life's agonies resulting from living in a world filled with the consequences of disobedience. We need to believe we have a good conscience- living with that HOPE of the WAY and praying that the HOPE living in us results in our lives being lived honestly, without guile.

Please, Father God in heaven, keep us in You, keep us in the HOPE while this world does its best to rip the only real HOPE there is from us in every way it can through all evil in all its many deceptive and not so deceptive forms. In the name of our SAVIOR the declared, begotten SON God in heaven at Your side, through the workings of the HOLY SPIRIT God now and forever.


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