Sunday, August 6, 2017

First and Foremost - God.

Is prayer an outlet for expressing our needs? Is prayer primarily a cry for God to help us?  How many people do turn to God and cry out for Him when unexpected trouble befalls them? How many have a prayer life that is rich in praise and thanksgiving? How many people truly pray for God's will even when it is contrary to their own desires? Can you pray God's will, and mean it, truly mean it when it means your loved one suffers horrifically? Does our love for God withstand the evil of sin at its worse?

'A serious error concerning  prayer prevails in our common understanding, which is to say, that we often think of prayer as an outlet for expressing what we need-- as our cry to God for help. We do not see that prayer is the asking of God to fulfill HIS needs. We ought to understand that God's original thought is certainly not letting the believers achieve their own aims through prayer, rather it is God accomplishing His purpose through the prayers of the believers. This is not meant to imply that Christians should never ask the Lord to supply their needs. It is only meant to indicate how we need to first understand the meaning and principles of prayer.'   Watchman Nee- Let Us Pray

ASKING God to fulfill HIS needs.

God did NOT bring prayer to us in order to create a GENIE in a bottle.

Too many people believe that God has to answer their most desperate of prayers or else He must not exist, or if He exists He doesn't love or care for us as He should. How many people have lost faith in God when they've not had a heartfelt cry to God for help, answered in the way they want answered? How many have fallen to their knees and opened their hearts to God in desperation only to watch a loved one die right in front of them? I could go on naming numerous situations- tragic situations- the worst of situations but we can all use our imaginations for that. Many, too many have lost faith for this reason.

God did NOT bring prayer to us, a way to communicate with Him in order for us to do our own will above His.

We call upon the CREATOR, the REDEEMER out of FAITH. Faith that God's WILL is superior to ours in ALL ways. That God's will is paramount. We have NO business praying at all if we are not willing to pray first and foremost that God's will come before anything at all that we may desire in our lives, in our finite, very limited way of comprehending what is best for ourselves and others.

More tomorrow by the GRACE and WILL of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! 

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