Friday, February 28, 2020

Naaman's Healing Story Continued....

The Jordan River came into view and Naaman's heart twisted just a little bit with the tiny bit of hope he allowed. Disgust also rose up vying for the foremost spot. The war within the captain was visible in his expressions. He was about to do something he did not want to do. Everything in him all but demanded he stop this foolishness, that he turn back and just go to his homeland. He was about to demean himself on a level he'd never had to do so before. He was a Captain of the Syrian army! A great captain, revered by many, praised by his King, and here he was about to strip down and walk into a muddy river on foreign soil. It wasn't bad enough he had to put a single foot into the river, he had to submerge himself fully, and not once but seven times! He had to go under the water completely seven times, totally covered by the reviled water. He couldn't do this thing, and yet he had to try, he had to.
Walking to the water's edge, Naaman steeled himself for what he had to do. His servants surrounded him and reached out waiting for his permission to help him take off his clothes. Taking a deep breath, Naaman gave a curt nod signaling them to begin. With each article of clothing removed Naaman's jaw tightened until it was clenched so hard he thought his teeth might break at any moment.
Stripped of all but a loincloth, Naaman forced himself to look down upon his exposed flesh. He had to see the reason he was doing this, he had to look at the blemishes on his skin. Leprosy. He could still remember his first suspicious mark and the horror that overtook him. It wasn't long before his suspicions were confirmed as the marked flesh expanded and grew more loathsome. Unable to deny what was happening to him he'd confessed to his king and the shame-filled him. He'd fall on his sword before going into a leper colony, it was just a matter of how long he could hold off before that had to happen. He had a family to consider and wanted them taken care of before the inevitable.
Conversations at home about his condition grew more frequent and spilled over into the ears of the servants, and soon that little Israeli captive felt bold enough to speak to his wife about the prophet in her land, the healing prophet. His wife, in turn, brought the information to him, with such hope in her gaze he held back his initial reaction to scoff at her falling for the little maid's lies. Her pleading with him to seek help from the prophet was at first refused, but her tears broke his reticence easily enough. He could never fight those tears they fell so seldom but when they did it was always out of the deepest love for him. Agreeing to go to the king with the request, Naaman told his wife softly to wipe away her tears, wishing he dared to touch her to do so himself. He longed to kiss her tear dampened cheeks and comfort her but he couldn't, and it had been a long time since he'd done so. Leprosy had separated them from the intimacy they were accustomed to and he missed her touch desperately. Such a man as he was, a strong Captain of a great army, the victor in many a skirmish and yet at home he'd always melted into the tender touch of his wife. For her, he had to try to save his life, even if it was a fool's undertaking.
The white blotches across his torso, the lesions moving to his extremities, Naaman knew it wouldn't be much longer before he lost fingers, toes, his nose. Oh yes, he'd seen lepers and their many disfigurements- always from a great distance, but close enough to know what this disease would do to him sooner rather than later. This wretched disease would be the death of him, he knew that, but here he stood not quite close enough for Jordan's water to touch his bared feet. The fool's errand had to be seen through to completion. He had to be able to tell his wife he'd done all that was asked of him. To go back to her and tell her his pride had kept him from following the prophet's instructions would only result in more tears and pleading for him to go back and try again.
As the wind brushed over his exposed flesh, Naaman's body shuddered hard. He had to get this over with now, there was no reason for any more delay, none.
The men surrounding him took a step back and all but his most trusted servant turned their backs on him, giving their master the privacy his rank required. They didn't have to witness his humiliation first hand and if they could, anyone of them would fight to keep any others from seeing their master this way. They'd protect him, and give him all the honor he deserved. Did they think their master a fool for undertaking this journey? No. They all hoped for only the best outcome.
A step forward and the cool water touched his feet. Naaman kept a gasp from escaping his clenched jaw, sparing himself the humiliation of such a noise. With his feet wet he instantly just wanted to get this whole ordeal over with as fast as he possibly could. One long stride and then he forced himself to take shorter steps, he hadn't a clue when or if the ground beneath would give way and he'd go under the water. He didn't want a sudden dunking, he wanted to be in control of his submersion.
The water moved up over his knees, his thighs and to his waist, this was far enough, he had enough room to completely submerge himself. Did he turn around and look back at the shoreline where his most trusted servant alone stood watching him, or did he keep himself facing away? Did he want to see the only other witness to his degradation? No. No, he did not.
Without another thought, Naaman spread his arms slightly out to the side and bent his knees dropping his body downwards and the water rushed over his chest, up to his arms, and to his neck. Pausing only long enough to take a deep breath Naaman forced the rest of himself underneath the water until he was sure not a single hair on the top of his head remained dry. Less than a moment later he shot up out of the water, the force of his push upwards causing him to stumble slightly before regaining solid footing. Water cascaded down over his face and he blew a hard breath outwards and shook his head displacing the water as best he could. One down. Only six more submersions to go. Did he pause to look at his flesh? No, he just wanted to get this over with. Down he went for the second time, a repeat of the first plunge. Up again, another hard shake of his head and expulsion of his held breath. Two. He could do this, only five more. After the next four plunges, Naaman paused, taking a deep breath as he brushed the water from his face. His stomach was a knot of hot anger and desperate hope. This time he did take a moment to look at his disfigured flesh. The wet skin distorted things a bit but he could clearly make out the marked skin twisted lesions still there on his arms. One more time, just once more and this entire sordid ordeal would be over and he could go home and make plans to end his life while a shred of dignity remained to him.
To be continued….

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