Friday, February 14, 2020

We Would Be Yours, Christ Jesus. Healed or Not Healed According to Your Will.

Repent and be healed?

How many people do you suppose Jesus and His Apostles preached repentance to and then set about healing them? How many did they heal first then preach repentance after the healing?  Maybe someday we'll know the actual number, or maybe someday it won't matter a bit. I like to imagine it was a lot- whole villages, whole towns, whole cities, of people. We know 5000 people sat down to listen to Jesus and He fed them miraculously. Out of those 5000, how many do you suppose sought healing?

Today and throughout time I imagine people have been sick.  As soon as we sinned sickness took over us. Decay began inside our bodies where it was never supposed to be. A few days ago or so I posted a study that included the fact of the extensive changes our bodies had to have undergone upon sinning. Serious extensive changes that if we really take time to think about would shock most of us. We were NOT created to decay. We were NOT created to die at all. We were NOT created to be sick.  The bodies we were given were magnificent creations. Our hearts were not formed within our chests with the intention of ever being able to be faulty in any way. Veins, arteries, muscle, bone, all of this was created in us perfectly, without flaw. We were never intended to be cut, to bleed, to have blood that could leave our bodies. We simply were NOT created to have finger and toe nails that would need trimming, hair that would need cutting, bodily wastes in need of expelling, we were NOT created for these things.  All these transformations were sin induced. Seriously, every flawed thing about us that can possibly bring us shame, pain, and ultimately death was NOT how we were intended to live.  The first parents were meant to live in a luxurious garden with access to a tree of life.  Do you for one moment think they had to worry about the wastes their bodies would expel and the germs in that waste? No and no. The changes sin brought to our bodies was instantaneous and horrible. Is it any wonder Adam and Eve knew they were suddenly naked?  They'd been changed! The light of God that had given them all they needed had been stripped from them. No longer could they live in perfection. They now had bodies which would decay and all that meant. Bodies subject to death from any number of ways. Bodies that could be starved, dehydrated, frozen, overheated, any number of internal organs could cease to function properly. Veins could burst, arteries could clog, blood could be lost to the point of death. Air could be trapped in the lungs with no way to expel it, or expelled and no way to inhale it. Death by countless means was now possible where before they'd sinned it was impossible. Cellular disorder, growths inside our bodies, I could go on and on about the number of ways we can ultimately die. Also, there are ways too numerous for us to be sick, maimed, and so on.

When we are changed to immortality upon the return of our Savior, Jesus Christ we will be given the bodies intended for us to inhabit and they will bear little resemblance to what we look like now. 

Healing. Jesus healing people by the thousands was truly miraculous- no other since His ministry upon earth has been able to heal as He healed so wondrous, so constant. The Apostles could heal but they did not heal the sheer number of people that Jesus healed.

Oh, that I could grab hold of my sister, her daughter, her husband - my husband, my daughter, my son, my sisters, my brothers and place them on a mat large enough to fit them all and lower that mat down before the Savior, entreating Him, imploring Him, begging him to please heal them all! To let the oil of healing anoint them all, and allow the Holy Spirit to move upon them removing the demons, healing the sicknesses, repairing all the damage that needs to be repaired. I can't bring them before the Savior, He no longer walks the earth in ministry. I can't seek Him out in a nearby town as His glorious fame as a physician spreads far and wide.  I can come to Him through the Holy Spirit's intercession and plead for the touch of the Savior, and I do this, I do. I ask that ultimately let all healing take place in such a way that it leads each person closer and closer to Christ. I don't know the plans God has for people. I don't know if one severe health crisis is what it will take to break the stony heart from someone and restore it with a heart of flesh knowing Christ as Savior. I have no way of knowing the ends from the beginnings of people, I can only pray and believe God's will is being done in ways I cannot see, or comprehend at all.

All glory, all power, all praise and honor, with all thanksgiving, and all love to our God, our Father in heaven, the only begotten Son, the Holy Spirit - all three Gods, may they forever reign in all truth, in all love.


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