Friday, February 21, 2020

The CREATOR Knows me!

Can we with David speak to Our Heavenly Father and say- You have searched me and known me.
Has God searched you, and known you?
Some would have us believe that God set up all the pieces of life on the game board called the world and then simply took off to go play another game somewhere else, leaving all the pieces of this game to simply to fend for themselves.
When something important to you happens you generally do not simply forget about it unless you have brain trauma in one fashion or another. When you give birth to a child you can never forget. You carried that baby in your womb, and even if you give the baby away without ever seeing or holding that baby, the time it spent in your womb remains with you. When you know for a fact that you fathered a child is that something you simply forget? Even if you are never a part of that child's life, the knowledge forever remains that there exists a child you had a hand in creating, part of you is in that child wherever it may be.
We are simple creatures when it comes down to it, right? Our memories are only so long. We don't share the memories of our ancestors beyond tidbits of history. Our memories are not stacked one upon another going back to our very first origins. Our memories are short. I can pass down stories told to me to my children and they might remember one or two, maybe a few more but their own lives take up the most of their thoughts. I can remember some stories my own parents told me of their parents and a few stories of their grandparents, my great grandparents but none, absolutely none of my great, great grandparents. Where did the memories of them go? I'll tell you in part- my great grandparents on one side left their country of birth and in doing so, they left behind their parents and grandparents. My grandparents did not grow up surrounded by their grandparents, or great grandparents- they just heard a few stories and no more.
I'm going to stop this train of thought here by saying we KNOW beyond doubt we have a long, long history of ancestors or we would not exist. There has been no new model human beings put out since we were first created. We have ancestors a plenty, yet we live in a very limited sphere of memory. The exceptions being those notable in history, they've kept thousands of years of lineage in their history books, and plenty of stories have been passed down through their families- this is ultimately RARE.
God did NOT create us and forget us. Every single one of us is a CHILD of His- for better or worse. Every single one of us will choose to either remain a child of God or to free ourselves from His parenting.
You heard me right. We are given a choice to emancipate ourselves from God, He does not force us to remain under His guidance. In fact, there comes a day in each of our lives when we have to make a conscious choice to remain God's child, or branch out on our own- otherwise known as choosing another's guidance.
Stripping ourselves from God's life is a very dangerous thing. When we remove ourselves from God's life we remove ourselves from eternal life support and begin our life spiraling down to eternal death. We may try to fool ourselves into believing that we are just fine without God's eternal life support, but ultimately we will be proven wrong.
Psa 139:1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.
I want to be able to say- O LORD You have searched me and known me.
I want to recognize my CREATOR knowing me inside and out, better than I know myself. I stand in AWE of the fact the CREATOR of all knows me.
Some may be thrilled when a famous person comes into their lives and knows who they are. As close as I've come to this is knowing my husband has a cousin who is a fitness instructor to many famous people. I know my husband's cousin knows my husband from their youth, but that's as far as it goes, my husband's cousin does not know me, we live on opposite sides of this huge country. And even if some chance had me meeting my husband's cousin, there is a slim to none chance of any of the famous clients of my husband's cousin being around at that time. Then even if they were, they would not take any time to get to know me. There is a good chance a lot of the clients do not know my husband's cousin beyond their working relationship- known but not known.
Again my long-winded tale leads to this, people who are not famous who actually are known by famous people will generally brag on this fact because of the fame they are associated with bringing them a sense of importance, and uniqueness.
The CREATOR KNOWS ME! This is the most important, the most famous of all in all and HE CAN KNOW ME!
Don't say He knows us all because I have it straight from the mouth of the Savior, Jesus Christ, that not all will be known by Him.
This is a special knowing, a mutual knowing, a deliberate knowing, an eternal knowing.

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