Thursday, April 16, 2020

Choosing Christ Always - Our Anchor.

Heb 6:18  That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: 
Heb 6:19  Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; 
Heb 6:20  Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. 

Impossible for God to lie.
We have a strong consolation in Christ, our hope.

God promised and God fulfilled His promise.

There were those who looked forward to the promised Messiah, and those who lived in the time of the fulfilled promise of the Messiah.

We live in the time of the fulfilled promise of the Messiah.

The hope of a Messiah.
That hope realized.

In our life we all need to flee for refuge. There isn't a single person alive of an age of comprehension that hasn't struggled in their lives in one way or another and needed the refuge of Christ. Even the most affluent of people are not without their problems. The problems simply appear according to individual situations. One person's problems might seem totally insignificant compared to another. Holding up a life or death situation against the very feel (to the person) angst of finding the right party dress seems almost laughable in the absurdity of measuring one against the other. However, life or death could be the next situation the party dress girl has to face, we can't know. The fact that we all have problems that seems intense to us, and could very well be intense to all, is not unique to anyone, we all face these problems throughout our lives.

The biggest problem any of us will ever face, excluding no one at all of a sound mind and age, will be the choice we will need to make to serve God or self. Many may scoff at such a thought, thinking one way or the other it is easy to choose, but that doesn't rid us of the truth that it is the grandest, most monumental, most life altering, future affecting choice we all have to make. And it won't be a one and done choice, it is a choice made constantly over and over because we live in a world of sin that would tear us from our refuge- found only in Christ.

Let's use our weight as an example (even if you've never had a weight problem you know someone who has) too much or too little, the problem is a constant in that the ability for it to fluctuate will always exist. Up or down, we like to be able to find a comfortable place and maintain the ideal weight but that isn't always possible. We may be just cruising along in life and realize uhoh, we've put on a few pounds, or lost a few too many. We then need to take action if we want to return to the maintaining weight. The example here is vigilance and choosing, we have to take stock of our lives I'm going to say daily/weekly but definitely not beyond weekly or we risk losing grasp of our spiritual life. Daily because our Savior even tells us to take up our crosses daily, and to pray a daily prayer. Weekly because we are given the seventh-day Sabbath in which to rest in God and surely to be in the rest of the holy time set aside by God we need to take stock of our relationship with God. 

Just like our weight (but unlike our weight only in that no one is excluded) we need to make a conscience choice constantly in our day to day life to serve God or self. We ultimately place our faith in God to make up for our lacking faith, but that too is a constant surrender to God. 

Can we really claim Christianity as being ours when we willfully choose to live a life contrary to God's will? So many do.

Christ is our anchor, our hope, our refuge. Christ is our all in all. Christ should be our conversation, our thought, our life. Heaven, where Christ resides right now and will leave to come get us, that is where our home is, that is where our hope is, that is where our treasure is- that is where our salvation lives.

All by the grace of our Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ, now and forever may we choose HIM ALWAYS!

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