Sunday, April 5, 2020

God... or Satan?

'Ultimately, when we touch the things of the world, the question we must ask ourselves always is : "How is this thing affecting my relationship with the Father?" '

1Jn 2:15  Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 

I found the above quote from Watchman Nee's 'Love Not the World' book interesting. Do we question ourselves enough? Do we ask ourselves often how the things we do affect our relationship with God? Right now think back over your day and the things you've done. Was God with you in all those things? God is supposed to be with us always, there is never a time where we can set God aside and then pick Him up again. We have a relationship with God through the Son, and all we do will affect that relationship in one way or another- positively, or negatively.  If we can think of things we've done that affected our relationship negatively we need to repent of those things, not continue on in them. We need to seek guidance, to seek help to live the life God would have us live. We need to pay attention to our relationship with God, always.

'When we are faced with alternatives and a choice of ways confronts us, the question is not: Is this good or evil? Is this helpful or hurtful? No, the question we must ask ourselves is: Is it of this world, or of God? For since there is only this one conflict in the universe, then whenever two conflicting courses lie open to us, the choice at issue is never a lesser one than: God …or Satan?'

Do we think of our choices this way? Seriously, do we? We need to! We need to face the truth! We have to stop sugar-coating life so that we cover the things of Satan in something acceptable to us. Calling evil things good has become common place. Truly, there are so many things that are evil but we call them good simply because we don't want to believe they are of Satan. God or Satan these are the only two choices we face. God or Satan, we can't be afraid to ask ourselves which we are choosing. Heaven help us, God help us. The world surrounding us is filled with so much evil, so much deception, so much of Satan. The narrow way is the way we would choose, please LORD, please help us to this end. 

By the will of our LORD, through Jesus Christ our Savior, now and forever!!!!!!!

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