Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Keep Us From Evil.

'The natural trend of all the "things that are in the world" is toward Satan and away from God. Some of them may have been set going by men of the Spirit with a goal that is Godward, but as soon as the restraint of divine life is removed from them, they automatically swerve around and take that other direction. No wonder then that Satan's eyes are ever on the world's end, and on the prospect that at that time all the things of the world will revert to him. Even now, and all the time, they are moving in his direction, and at the end time they may be expected to have reached their goal. As we touch any one of the units of his system, this thought should give us pause, lest we be found inadvertently helping to construct his kingdom.'

Joh 17:14  I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 

Not of the world. Truly as the world's course is ever Satan bound, we cannot be of the world. Jesus was not of the world. Jesus prays to the Father and tells Him that the world hates those who have been given His word and are not of the world just like He is not of the world. The world HATES those who are like Jesus- NOT of the world.

Jesus gained a lot of notoriety as He began His ministry, why? Because of the miracles He performed- the healing, the helping. Jesus spoke with a knowledge of Scripture, a knowledge of God all with authority. Jesus healed and as He healed He pointed those He healed and those around witnessing the healing - all to God and the gospel of salvation. Salvation - the restoration of man with God without the existence of evil. Satan's grip on the world would end.

 Until our Savior returns Satan will continue to rule this world turning everything He can to his way, the worldly way. We need to ask ourselves where Satan is trying to get His hold on us. He is in the world and wants us to be of the world with Him.

We need to constantly submit to God, and strive for God's rule in our lives, in all aspects of our lives. Please God, please may Your only begotten Son's words ring loud in Your ears and please KEEP US FROM EVIL.

Evil surrounds us, it is on every side no matter where we turn. We scarce can live without coming face to face with evil daily, and several times a day. Please, keep us from evil as it threatens to overcome us. Please. Please. All through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, now and forever. Amen!!!!!!!

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