Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Create In Me A Clean Heart.

I have to say, these last couple of days have been topsy turvy with my daily schedule- and I miss my morning Bible study. Having it at night there are just too many distractions for me. Don't get me wrong, God is first. By His grace I was able to pray first thing and ask Him to guide me, to take all my plans and do with them as He willed(s). My thoughts turned to Him often, but it still wasn't a study time, a time to reflect on His word, to learn from His word. Why did I change the schedule, because I had things to get done and that was a time when I could. If I was wrong, God forgive me, if not praise God I didn't do wrong.  Saying God understands is easy for us to do. We have to, don't we? We want to believe that God understands our motives, our heart when we don't even know our own heart half the time. God, create in my a clean heart with clean motives and no guile in me whatsoever.

More tomorrow, by the grace and will of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, now and forever!

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