Thursday, December 26, 2019

Priceless Blessing- the Kingdom of Heaven.

Mat_5:3  Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Poor- we equate this word with lacking. If you are poor you are considered to be lacking money. If you are poor in learning, you are considered to be a slow learner or one incapable of learning, lacking the ability to learn. If you are a poor listener, it is assumed you lack the ability to listen and comprehend what another is saying. If you are poor in anything you are lacking something. So is this verse supposed to mean those lacking the spirit in their lives? If so, this isn't consistent with the teachings of Christ. In truth, this verse is said to mean the person is humbled, lacking arrogance- which is a good thing. If you're poor in the ability to deceive then you could be said to lack the ability of deception which is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. There are things we can lack in and it be the best thing for us- it all depends upon how you are looking at things, right? The poor in spirit- those who are humble and meek truly do have a quality that would make their relationship with God foremost in their lives and therefore they would be blessed with the kingdom of heaven.  Also, if we take the word poor and apply it to monetary situations we know a lack of money can be a good thing when we consider how incredibly difficult and all but impossible it will be for the rich to get into the kingdom of heaven. I've never personally seen or know of anyone who has seen a camel go through an eye of a needle.

Luk_18:25  For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Blessed are the poor in many ways when we think of eternity and not our temporary existence we live now.  Easy for me to say as I sit in my splendor of riches (compared to the truly poor), but very difficult for those enduring the deprivations of being poor and suffering from the consequences of being such.

Blessed…how? With the kingdom of heaven. Such a blessing is priceless. May we all be blessed with the kingdom of heaven, all through the grace and mercy, the forgiveness and righteousness of our Savior, our Lord, Jesus Christ now and forever!

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