Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Spiritually Starving.

'The man is "saved," but he is not hungry nor thirsty after God. In fact he is specifically taught to be satisfied and encouraged to be content with little.'

Mat 5:6  Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 

Hunger and thirst. Two basic needs we all have and we have these needs daily for the most part.

Have you memories of being thirsty, I mean really thirsty, so thirsty you begged for something to drink? I have. I remember it vividly. I was in the hospital and they denied me any food or drink for three days- yes, I had an IV in my arm but it wasn't the same. My body may have been hydrated but my thirst was awful, so awful I was begging those around me to give me something to drink. No one would. Thirsty. Begging for water… Thirsty. Begging for righteousness, for God. So thirsty my desperation was agonizing. Do I beg for God this way? Do I long for God in my life above all else?

I've been hungry before but never to the point of starving. That time I was thirsty, the thirst took precedence over any hunger I may have had. Hunger pangs are real, but lately I've been fasting and I notice the pains, grumbling, growling it all passes. Yes, it returns periodically but then is passes again. I've also notice that sometimes I'm a lot more hungry than at other times.  When I'm really hungry and I choose to eat, I know the eating will satiate the hunger, I can be filled that hunger can be assuaged. Just as thirst can be assuaged by drinking. 

No, that food will not keep me from being hungry again any more than drinking will never make me thirsty again. I will continuously be hungry and thirsty for food and drink, and I need to be hungry and thirsty for God, but am I. And if I'm not hungry and thirsty for God then what am I? Why aren't I?

 The Pursuit of God quote-

'The man is "saved," but he is not hungry nor thirsty after God. In fact he is specifically taught to be satisfied and encouraged to be content with little.'

How can we be truly saved and NOT be hungry or thirsty for God?  How?

We need daily sustenance, we need sustenance even if it isn't daily. We need to feel hunger and thirst for God or else we are spiritually starving ourselves and when you starve yourself you die. You can live while you are spiritually dead, in fact many people are spiritually dead and they don't even know it. I don't want to be spiritually dead. I want to FEEL the hunger and thirst for God that I need so that I can be spiritually alive, feeding and drinking of God and His righteousness.

Please Lord, please help me hunger and thirst after YOU today, tomorrow, forever!

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