Sunday, December 29, 2019

Lord, Lord!

Do you call out to the Lord? Do you say… Lord, Lord? I know I have many, many times. I've cried out to Jesus, I've prayed, begged, pleaded, whispered, entreated, agonized to, screamed, I've called on the Lord constantly.  Knowing this then reading the following verse…

Mat_7:21  Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

…makes me have to examine myself. And we are supposed to do that.

2Co_13:5  Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.

I have to examine myself and ask myself whether or not I am doing the will of the Heavenly Father.  Truly it isn't enough to simply mouth the words, it isn't enough to sing out, cry out, yell out, or whisper the name of the Lord not is I refuse the Heavenly Father's will.

The Lord will allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of the wrongs in our lives, as long as we yield to the Holy Spirit allowing Him to do this work in us. It isn't a pleasant work, being convicted of sins especially if we have cherished sins in our lives that are second nature to us. We want to overlook those pet sins of ours and tuck them away safely out of the Holy Spirit convicting zone so we don't have to feel the weight of the sin. If you are pricked even once in your conscience over something you are from that moment on accountable to determine if it is something the Lord is allowing to be revealed to you for correction in righteousness.

2Ti_3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

We are allowed to see where we need correction, instruction, doctrine, and reproof. That nudge of something not being quite right in our lives is there to lead us to the Word of God where we will find most answers to all our possible convictions.

Not too long ago a situation in my life arose and I was led to a list of ways to determine whether something or not is the way of the Lord- the way I seek to go. The very last 'supreme' way to determine something was whether or not in glorified God. And they used this scripture-

1Co_10:31  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

That bit there- the WHATSOEVER you do part- that is the telling point in all our actions. Are we glorifying God?

To do the will of the Heavenly Father we must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. If we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ then we follow His teachings. His teachings instruct us in many ways and He tells us that He has sent a Comforter, the Holy Spirit to be with us to guide us. The Holy Spirit will act upon the contrite and humble heart of one seeking earnestly to do the Heavenly Father's will and will reveal to us our leanings. The constant revelation of our inability to save ourselves is from the Holy Spirit. The constant revelation of our sinfulness is from the Holy Spirit. These constant, unrelenting revelations lead us to, and keep us at the foot of the cross and raise us to our living, saving Savior. Without the continuous knowledge that we need to rely upon God for all things, we are in danger of pride taking ahold of us and working its evil inside our lives.

No, not everyone who calls upon the Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. The Lord knows sincerity, the Lord knows our hearts. We cannot hide our hearts from His searching.

Please, Lord, search us and know our hearts and lead us in Your way everlasting! Help us not to deceive ourselves! Keep us from our own will and lead us to do the will of the Heavenly Father. Let the Holy Spirit guide us. May we glorify you in all we do, seeking You over all. Please, Lord, we believe, help our unbelief!

Thank you, Lord, thank you!

In the name of Jesus Christ, now and forever!!!!!!!


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