Saturday, December 21, 2019

Evil Was Given An Expiration Date.

The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Not my words-

Mat_3:2  And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Mat_4:17  From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Mat_10:7  And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

John the Baptist- preparing the way of Jesus preached of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus preached all the way to the end of His life and beyond of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus instructed others to preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Today we continue to preach of the kingdom of heaven being at hand.

Some may believe it's ludicrous to hang on to such a long time coming belief. What those some do not realize is this-

2Pe_3:8  But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Time is irrelevant to the kingdom of heaven.

What I mean is, time is passing constantly. We live in a state of time ticking away endlessly. We live this way because we have an expiration date, time runs out for us. We live in a constant state of approaching death, and death is the end of our existence- temporarily for some, not so temporarily for others.

God is eternal, never ending, no dying, nothing temporary about Him. When you live in endless time the time passing isn't the same, it can't be.

I have a Creator, my Creator wanted me to be uniquely fashioned- not a god, yet created in the image of God, given uniqueness. In creating me He didn't want to make me and forget about me, put me on some planet and then take off for His next big project.  We do that. We create things and then forget about them. We often go from one thing to the next in our lives without much thought for what's left behind. We make something and then we might display it for a while then tuck it away when we lose interest in it, and then we might see if a few times after and eventually we will toss it in the garbage or give it away to see if someone else might want what we no longer want. We know all about creating something and not wanting it to be a part of our lives any more. God did NOT create us and want to discard us. When He created us it was with the intent of an everlasting unique relationship, a loving Creator prepared to remain so as long as it was what we desired. A knowledge of our creature state, a knowledge of a Creator who loves us, a willingness to live as beloved creatures comprehending out of love our Creator desiring our believing in His love for us. A need for us- these newly created beings to love willingly, to trust explicitly, to be the creature unique in our ability to live in God's image with a choice to choose love- this is what was given to us.

A choice implies things to choose from.

If there was only love there would be no other choice.  However a darkness appeared in existence and it was quickly determined the darkness would not be allowed eternity. Evil was given an expiration date.

How would this evil be crushed out of existence without comprehension of its true nature being against all God stood for, love? It would be crushed when it was determined that it could not overcome all love.  What was found out was the evil could and did draw one third of the angelic beings to its side. Two thirds- a majority remained in the love of God by choice.  Would the uniquely created human beings remain in the love of God by choice?

We know the answer to that one.

The kingdom of heaven is at hand….

More on this tomorrow by the grace and will of GOD, all through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!

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