Sunday, March 1, 2020

No Reward Warranted for God's Healing Gift.

Quickly, Naaman gestured the servants to back off. The last thing he wanted was to upset the prophet who had been instrumental in his healing.
With his eyes lowered to the ground, Naaman relented to the Prophet Elisha's demand not to be rewarded. It felt wrong though, to be given the gift of renewed life free of charge when in truth, the captain would give all the treasure he had to the man before him for being instrumental in his healing.
With his voice low, but clear, Naaman took a few steps closer to the prophet and spoke, eyes still downcast. "Please, will you instead of taking a reward, I pray you, I beg you to give to me another gift. Two mules laden with the dirt of Israel, the dirt of your land, will you do this so I may no longer worship other gods, but only worship the LORD you serve? Also, If I may be so bold, may I ask the LORD to forgive me when the man I serve goes into the house of Rimmon to worship and brings me with him and leans on me when I bow down…when I bow myself in the house of that false god, Rimmon, that I will be pardoned for doing so. I…I will not worship him but worship the LORD even if it may appear that there has been no change in my worship." Naaman didn't dare look up at the prophet as he spoke. He knew that what he asked was probably too much. Surely the LORD who was mighty enough to heal him of leprosy would demand that he change outwardly in his worship now. Yet, that would mean his death and the miracle of leprosy would have been for naught. He had to ask for this favor, even as he wanted desperately to return a favor, not ask for more of them.
Elisha heard the words of the healed captain and knew there was deep sincerity in the pagan man. The LORD had instructed Elisha to heal Naaman and it wasn't senseless healing, the LORD never did anything senselessly. The LORD knew the miracle of Naaman's healing would spread far and wide and many would know the hand of the LORD was greater than all the other gods worshiped in any other land. The new life of Naaman would be the testimony of the LORD'S, and the new heart in Naaman to worship him would be known as well, but not in such a way as to cause him harm. The LORD'S ways were not man's ways and for thousands of years to come, the healing of Naaman would be spoken of, written of, studied, and used to inspire others. This healing would have a place in the written truths of the LORD as the Holy Spirit in time inspired men to record all that was needed of history- that which would provide truth to salvation for all whose hearts turned to the LORD. Naaman's heart had turned to the LORD and Naaman from this day forward would worship the LORD.
Moving forward, the Prophet Elisha lay a hand on the larger man's shoulder causing Naaman to look at him. "Go in peace," he told him softly. He'd granted the captain his request in those simple words.
Naaman gave a slow, gentle nod of his head as he looked into the prophet's eyes and saw there the peace that was offered to him. The peace of new life not only physically, but spiritually.
Elisha lowered his hand from Naaman's shoulder and turned back towards his house. The captain watched the prophet enter his house and close the door. Taking a very deep breath, as peace filled his heart, Naaman's entire countenance was softened with the love of the one true GOD he now would serve forever.
Orders for the dirt to be collected were given and the work was done swiftly. That precious earth would be placed in his home garden and the idols of Rimmon would be removed from that place. His private sanctuary would be hidden from outsiders but he and his family could worship the LORD thereupon this transplanted earth. This would be his way of life from then on.
Leaving the prophet's land and heading home, Naaman's joy was clearly displayed. He wanted to hurry back to his family as fast as possible so they could share this joyous occasion. And that little servant girl would become family, without her this never would have happened. She would be a daughter to him from that day on.
Lost in the thoughts of how his life had been changed and the many ripples that change would cause, Naaman was startled out of his deep reverie when one of his servants rode up alongside his chariot and gestured their need to halt.
As the horses slowed and stopped, Naaman didn't have to ask what was happening because a quick glance behind him revealed that one of the prophet's servants, the one who'd called himself Gehazi, was running after them.
Jumping down from the chariot, Naaman walked towards the man coming to them and quickly asked, "Is all well?" There had to be a reason for this servant to run after them, had something happened? The last thing Naaman wanted was anything to be wrong.
The servant, Gehazi, had been aghast when his master, Elisha refused the splendor offered to him freely from this Syrian captain. The gold gleamed, the silver was polished to a high sheen and the raiment was gloriously displayed, all this had caught the eye of Gehazi and he could picture himself being given some of this great wealth for his faithfulness as a servant to Elisha. He'd become a rich servant, his status would rise and he would be replete in wealth unlike many of his fellow servants whose stations would remain low and abased with little reward for their hardships.
When Elisha refused to take the treasure, Gehazi was horrified. No, Elisha couldn't refuse such a grand reward! Hadn't he given the captain instructions on how to be healed? He deserved this! He earned this reward! His master was a fool, an utter and complete fool for turning down the wealth most dreamed of but would never own.
This wouldn't do, Gehazi watched his master go into the house and did not follow him. He stayed outside and looked on as Naaman's men dug the dirt to take with them and laden two mules with the heavy soil. He had to follow after them, he had to. He couldn’t lose the opportunity to be wealthy even if Elisha chose to be poor.
Running full out after the chariot as it left, the servant- Gehazi and two other lesser servants were grateful to be noticed. They came panting, out of breath, up to the Syrian captain and Gehazi gasped out his lies. "My master sent me, he said, behold right now from mount Ephraim these two young men of the sons of the prophets have come to me give them a talent of silver and two changes of garments" He gestured to the two underlings he'd brought with him. Were they sons of the prophets? No, but Naaman couldn't know that.
Naaman sighed with relief. Of course, Elisa the prophet did not want any treasure for himself but would allow two of his fellow prophets sons to take part in the reward. The man of the LORD was truly selfless and serving of others.
"Yes! You shall take two talents," Naaman told the servant and quickly his own servants readied the reward for them. Two talents of silver and two changes of clothes were laid upon the two men with Gehazi.
Thrilled to have been able to reward Elisha in some part for his healing of him, Naaman concluded the transaction quickly and returned to his chariot headed for home.

As the chariot and all of the Syrian men rode out of sight, Gehazi's greed-filled smile lit up the man's face, his plan had worked out perfectly!

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