Friday, March 13, 2020

We All Live In Holy Time, Every Seventh Day.

Living in holy time. Hallelujah!

As the unseen door opens, a door from our world existing in unholy time to a door existing in our world in holy time, we are beckoned…realize and enter.

"Remember," God said. Did God know that man would choose to forget? He did, He knew. "Remember the Sabbath day," God commanded.

Not only did man choose to forget, man chose to misremember the truth of the Sabbath when he did remember its existence.

The holy. What does it mean to be holy?

Set apart for religious purpose, devoted to the service of God, belonging to or coming from a divine power, something sanctified, consecrated, hallowed, blessed, divine, sacred, righteous, devout, Godly.

During creation God did not make every day holy, this is truth. God did make one day during creation holy, the seventh day, the day He stopped creating beyond creating the Sabbath itself. God reiterated the holiness of the seventh day in a week consisting for seven days when He freed the Egyptians from slavery. God listed the sanctity of Sabbath among the ten royal, moral laws written by His own hand. God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, also reiterated the Sabbath when He said not a single jot (the dot of an i) or a single tittle (the cross of a t) would be removed from the royal law. Jesus commanded us to keep the royal law. We are told in the new world to come the Sabbath would remain.

Before sin entered the newly created world of mankind the Sabbath existed.

Time made holy.

Time set aside as holy.

This period of holy time would be endless, it would be eternal.

This one day in seven, this twenty-four hour period of holy time will never end, never.

Forever we will be creatures. Though we will be changed from mortal to immortal, from corruptible to incorruptible, we will never cease to be creatures, never.  As creatures we needed, and will always need, holy time. Whether we are old creatures or new creatures, we are creatures. Unfortunately as corrupted creatures we have a tendency to forget our creature status. God guaranteed the opportunity for us to never forget our creature status. God created the holiness of the seventh day, the Sabbath.

On the Sabbath, the door to holy time is opened to us. No one can escape living in the time of holiness, but they can choose to desecrate the holy time they are living in.

More on this tomorrow, by the will of our God, by the grace and mercy of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord now and forever!

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