Monday, March 9, 2020

Our Loving God Wants Us.

Tit 3:3  For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. 
Tit 3:4  But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, 
Tit 3:5  Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; 
Tit 3:6  Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour

The kindness and love of God is beyond our ability to comprehend fully, it just is. We can get glimpses of love, but that's all. We feel heartbreak from loving and know the pain that comes from loving. On a very small level we can understand the pain God endured and endures from the love He has towards us.

God did not snap us out of existence. Just the other night my husband and I watched Avengers Infinity War and the (spoilers) the bad guy snaps his fingers and half the population on earth disappears. Just a snap of the fingers. The good guys of course were totally against genocide, against destroying half of any population anywhere. The idea of this act being okay was appalling to them. How could anyone simply use the power to kill like that? 

We understand how insane it would be for anyone to do such a thing. We have our own non-fiction wars where six million Jewish people were killed as a non-Jewish madman along with his insane cohorts dictated. There have been a lot of other wars where a certain group of people choose to try and kill off whole groups of other people in an effort to wipe those they don't like or agree with off the face of the earth. We always call this insanity no matter where or when it occurs. It's wrong, morally wrong on many, many levels to kill others, let alone entire races, entire ethnic groups. 

God could have wipe out the human race from existence with a mere thought, He wouldn't need special gemstones or to even snap his fingers. God chose to let us live and EACH one of us is given an opportunity to choose love over evil.

God allowed humanity to come into existence and offered humanity a chance to believe in His love above all. Humanity chose a self-serving action over the love of God, they chose not to believe in God, they chose to listen to a god-less creature rather than God, they chose to die.  Right then when that first act of disobedience occurred God could have eradicated humanity entirely. He'd told them they would die, they didn't know about a first death and a second death when God told them they would die. God had a plan to save humanity, a contingency plan. This plan would involve a second permanent death or an eternal life - a life that would be as God intended and each person would have the choice to live eternally.

When you take the choice from a person and kill them, they will not have a say so in that. They do, or did have a choice to choose eternal life before their first death.

Our loving God wants us! Our loving God does not want to lose us! Our loving God reaches out to us, draws us to Him, entices us to Him. Our loving God has left NOTHING undone or order for us to belong to Him willingly, lovingly, believing in Him and His love!

All through Jesus Christ our LORD and SAVIOR, now and forever!!!!!!!

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